{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fscript\fprq2\fcharset0 Comic Sans MS;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs28 It'z da T to da O to da fukin N-E\par niggaz see in tha streetz en they run for safety\par cuz glockz don't got safety's\par en i still don't think u safe B\par niggaz talk trash \par buh when Havic Squad roll up niggaz iz mad ass\par we got des punk bitches on smash \par we da type of niggaz dat dun need no introduction\par come to ya hood en tell ya gurl to shake sumthin\par en um tired of all ya'll fake thugz niggaz\par da squad don't play, we'll have u tuggin 3 or 4 slugz my nigga\par en if u dun agree wid me \par i got glockz dat'll change ya mind \par en i ain't lyin\par HaViC SquAD be dem gangsta niggaz\par u talk dat we aint' shit\par nigga how u figga\par it'z NiNez ChaSe en ToNe\par we comin thru hot en fa sho we packin da chrome\par en we leavin niggaz str8 splattered \par like eggs on halloween\par have niggaz tryn get home wid out dey legs or spleens\par en nigga talk is cheap \par niggaz got mad mouth buh ass when dey\par come to tha streetz\par we da typa niggaz dat dump clipz at u from da V DoT 6\par dis ain't da matrix nigga u aint doggin shit\par muh bullets rip thru tissue\par en u know it ain't a issue\par dis ain't da face off\par buh i'll rip ya face off\par den take off\par i'll have niggaz in bagz like i was grocery shoppin\par en da copz still tryna find out who da nigga dat shot em\par i just play my roll\par en lay low\par en i kno niggaz iz jealous\par buh how could u not hate us\par HaViC SquAD bout dat crazy ass paper\par we got stacks dat'll smuther u\par have u gaspin for air like all tha others do\par en we hold more weight than Reuben\par pop u wid da calibar en see how much blood u losin\par \par \cf0\f1\fs20\par }
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