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Thursday, 17 July 2003
thE ReaL mEe...WeLL..mAyBE?!
~~BORING STUFF~~ FULL NAME: Ashleigh Jones NICKNAME: Ash,ashbash..and too many more to name! GENDER: girl! AGE: 14 SIGN:Libra COUNTRY AND CITY YOU LIVE IN NOW: Us-Dville! COUNTRY AND CITY YOU WHERE BORN IN: Us-Dville! WHERE ELSE HAVE YOU LIVED: in louisianna for a lil while then back here SCHOOL: Hillcrest High YEAR LEVEL: 9th FAMILY MEMBERS: yea SIBLINGS AGES AND NAMES: 8,4,3 Lauren Hannah Bailey ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PETS NAMES AND KINDS: too many to name ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ HOBBIES: Bein with my friends of course!yall are awesome!layin out in the sun!goin to the beach!swimmin!GUYZ!MALL..and just anything that*ll keep me busy! HEIGHT: 5'5 i think! EYE COLOUR: brown..sumtimes green! HAIR COLOUR: brown ARE YOU RELIGIOUS: yes!! WHAT RELIGION: christian! ~~LOVE LIFE~~ DO YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND, GIRLFIREND OR A CRUSH: NO! NAME: DO THEY GO TO YOUR SCHOOL: ARE THEY YOUR AGE: IF YOU COULD DATE ANYONE IN THE WORLD, WHO WOULD IT BE: Um..Well id rather not say on here..but someone who ive been in love with for a long time but he just doesnt know it anymore.. WHATS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT A POTENTIAL DATE: Smile!!and eyes! WHATS A BIG TURN OFF: Guys who are way too into their selves..and guy sluts!haha DO YOU PREFER A FLING, OR A FULL ON RELATIONSHIP: depends on the person that ur havin a fling or whatever with..some guys cant handle a full on relationship DID YOU HAVE A PRE-SCHOOL RELATIONSHIP, AND IF SO, WHO: Nope DO YOU STILL TALK TO THEM: Nope WHEN AND WHERE WAS YOUR FIRST KISS: In 5th a football stadium!!it sucked just to let you know ARE YOU A VIRGIN: thats personal but hell yea DO YOU GET ALONG WITH YOUR EX'S: Yeah one of them is a real sweety but were just good friends!! DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE: I dunno..i mean i used too but now im not so sure LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: no..i dont believe theres a way that you can just look at someone and love them automatically..i can think that persons sexy or hot or whatever and be infatuated but not in love HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN LOVE:Thought i was once.. DO YOU PREFER BEING THE DUMPER OR THE DUMPEE: Dumper..which of course..if your the dumpee then the other person has to deal with all the dirty work! haha JK do whatever feels right! DO YOU THINK THERE IS ONE PERSON FOR EVERYONE: i sure as hell hope so IF YES, DO YOU KNOW WHO YOURS IS: thought i did..but as long as hes happy im happy for him ~~YOU~~ WHAT DO YOU FEAR THE MOST IN THE WORLD: being rejected..failing..having to regret things WHAT DO YOU REGRET THE MOST: no regrets..just lessons learned ARE YOU A FOLLOWER, OR SOMEONE WHO GETS FOLLOWED: you have to be both sometimes DO YOU PREFER GUY OR GIRL FRIENDS: girl friends..guys come and go-but some guy friends are GREAT dont get me wrong!! IF YOU COULD KILL ANYONE, WHO WOULD IT BE AND WHY: well..i wouldnt kill anyone..i mean yea if i could i would surely want to and i have someone in mind but i really dont give a damn about them so i wont let it bother me..anyone who talks about me or lies about me can go to hell IF YOU COULD DO ONE THING YOU WANTED TO WITHOUT ANY CONCIQUENCES, WHAT WOULD IT BE:oh gah..i dunno lol DO YOU WEAR GLASSES OR HAVE BRACES: contacts-and i used to ARE YOU GOOD AT SCHOOL: yeahh... ARE YOU SPORTY: no!!lol DO YOU DRINK: no.. SMOKE: no.. DO DRUGS: no.. EVER STOLEN STUFF:not that i know of LAP DANCED: now thats one thing i can say i havent done! ARE YOU A REBEL, SEMI-REBEL OR GOOD GIRL/BOY: GOOD GiRL!!! DO YOU KNOW ANY FOREIGN LANGUAGES: ARE YOU A KLUTZ: yeah sumtimes BROKEN ANY BONES BEFORE: nope! ARE YOU LISTENING TO MUSIC, AND IF YES, WHAT: yea-SEETHER..driven under!SEETHER KICKS ASS! DO YOU PREFER COFFEE OR TEA: BOTH! DO YOU DRINK EITHER: YES! DO YOU THINK THERES A DIFFERANCE BETWEEN COKE AND PEPSI: Yea..PEPSIS BETTER ~~FAVES~~ SALAD: diffrent kinds? MEAT: yea ANIMAL: dog?! COLOUR: Pink or sky blue! KIND OF MOVIE: anythang funny! TV SHOW: DAWSONS CREEK ROCKS HARD MUSIC STYLE: Umm..depends on my mood SAYING: Never fall in love..every betrail begins with trust! FOOD: yea food is GREAT! FRAGRENCE: Clinique happy..and miracle ACTOR: Josh Harnett.Ben Affleck.Paul Walker.Ryan Phillippe GUYS NAME: dunno GIRLS NAME: Ashleigh lol jk NON-ALCHOHOLIC DRINK: pepsi ALCHOHOLIC DRINK: strawberry daiquiri with whip cream on top..theyre awesome lol PIZZA TOPPING: CHEEZE! BASKETBALL TEAM: dunno?! TEACHER: aint got one SUBJECT: Lunch? GRADE: Oh like..12th grades probly gunna be i dunno!!! ~~CHOOSE ONE~~ COKE/SPRITE: Coke WHITE CHOCOLATE/NORMAL CHOCOLATE: normal FOOTBALL/BASKETBALL: i guess BRITNEY/CHRISTINA: both are kool BLACK/WHITE: WHITE CHOCOLATE/VANILLA: Vanilla SUMMER/WINTER: Summer!!! DIARY/JOURNAL: uhh..whats the diff? COFFEE/HOT CHOCOLATE: Hot Chocolate! NIGHT/DAY NIGHT! INTERNET/PHONE: Phone WRITING/TYPING: Typing COLD/HOT: HOT PEN/PENCIL: Pen CANDLE/INSENCE: Candle LINED/PLAIN PAPER: Lined MARS/SNICKERS: neither! CURLY/STRAIGHT: both! BLONDE/BRUNETTE: Brunette!! BLANKET/SLEEPINGBAG: Blanket SPORTS/GRADES: uhh..whaddya mean? SHOWER/BATH: Bath!or both!yeah both! BODY WASH/SOAP: uhh..both ~~OTHER PEOPLE~~ WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE DO YOU RESPECT: people who respect themselves and dont care what other people think or say about them WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE ANNOY YOU: immature people..i mean its okay too goof off..i do it too but not all the damn time- WHO DO YOU FOLLOW: God WHO FOLLOWS YOU: hopefully no one lol WHO DO YOU PRETEND TO LIKE, BUT SECRETLY CANT STAND:umm..god i dunno if theres enuff room!haha JK i dont even do that anymore there aint no point in pretendin you like someone when you dont DO YOU PREFER OLDER OR YOUNGER PEOPLE: like for what? DO PEOPLE WHO STRETCH THE TRUTH ANNOY YOU: yes!i mean..its okay to lie every once in a while..everyone does but... ARE YOU POSSESSIVE OF OTHER PEOPLE: no DO YOU PREFER HAVING A SMALL GROUP OF FRIENDS WHO KNOW YOU REALLY REALLY WELL, OR A LARGER GROUP WHO DON'T KNOW YOU AS WELL: small group i guess! DO YOU MAKE FRIENDS EASILY: i dunno do i? ARE YOU INTIMIDATED BY PEOPLE: used too..but why giva shit? ~~FUTURE~~ WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE IN THE FUTURE: I dont know yet..whatever happens happens DO YOU WANT TO BE MARRIED: Im not sure DO YOU WANT KIDS, AND IF YES, HOW MANY: Im not sure WOULD YOU PREFER TO LIVE IN A HOUSE, A FLAT OR A UNIT: House DO YOU WANT TO GO TO COLLEGE: Yes i do

Posted by alt2/ashleigh at 5:43 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 17 July 2003 6:21 PM EDT
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MaDoNnA-OpEn Ur HeArT!
HeY yOu gUyS!ThiS iS LiKe-ThE bEsT sOnG iN tHe EnTiRe wOrLd!!
I see you on the street and you walk on by
You make me wanna hang my head down and cry
If you gave me half a chance you'd see
My desire burning inside of me
But you choose to look the other way
I've had to work much harder than this
For something I want don't try to resist me


Open your heart to me, baby
I hold the lock and you hold the key
Open your heart to me, darlin'
I'll give you love if you, you turn the key

I think that you're afraid to look in my eyes
You look a little sad boy, I wonder why
I follow you around but you can't see
You're too wrapped up in yourself to notice
So you choose to look the other way
Well, I've got something to say
Don't try to run I can keep up with you
Nothing can stop me from trying, you've got to


Open your heart with the key
One is such a lonely number

Ah, ah, ah, ah
Open your heart, I'll make you love me
It's not that hard, if you just turn the key

Don't try to run I can keep up with you
Nothing can stop me from trying, you've got to


Open your heart with the key

Open your heart, I'll make you love me
It's not that hard, if you just turn the key
[repeat and fade]

Posted by alt2/ashleigh at 4:58 PM EDT
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Being "JUST FRiENDS" with a guy that you love is actually just a twisted way of torturing yourself

Im the one that girls despize
they get so jealous they start spreadin lies

i wiSh i cOuLd FrEeZe dA mOmEnTs wE sPeNd
tOgEtHEr.. BcUz i kNoE tHeY wOnT lAsT fOrEvEr
u rEaLLiE dUnNo hOw muCh u mEaN t0o mE<3

too much d r a m a for this chik to handle
its like everything i do turns into a DaMn SkaNdLe

iS iT wOrTh iT-ALl The CrAp i gO tHrU-
WhY sHoULd a GrL LiKe mEe
HaVe tOo wAiT oNnA gUy LiKe YoU

*whEn i finally qet the couRaqe t0
like soMeboDy new
it alwayS fallz apaRt
..cuz they juSs cant coMmpare t0 u..*

*Its funny how big of an impact you have on me, its like when i see you, you dont even have to speak all you can do is smile and it can make my day and thats how i remember my reason for loving you*

i think ill go anti-luv 4 now
really who .needs. it ?!?
butterflyz in the tummy..
n. heartz skippin beatz..
that cant b safe... can it?

follow ur heartz desire and wait 4 'him' 2 come
dun fall 4 it jus becuz he wuntz sum :P

*you* do sumthin to me that I can't explain..
so would I be out of line if I said, I'm gonna miss you?

neVa aLLow sOmEoNe To Be YoUr PriOrIty
WhiLe aLLoWin YoUrSeLf tO Be tHeIr OpTiOn..

Ive come 2 realize that the hardest part of bein w. u
is knowin that at sum point Im gunna have 2 say goodbye..and accept what I'm leaving behind and getting attached is something that I didn't want to do..But somehow it happened

always fight for the things you love
and love the things that are worth fighting for

wHaT dO yOo dO wEn tHa sMiLe GoEs AwAy..?
WeN eVeRyThiNg cHaNgEz iN JuS OnE DaY
WaT Do u dO wEn yOu*r LoVeE FaLlz tHrOuGh
WeN tHa 1 tHa yOu LoVe JuS DoEsNt LoVe *yOu*

i love seein gerLs who think they have to compete
understand the situation . .

im to real to let sumthin on two legsz stop me
cusz the real is always betta than the bootleg copy

inside a girlz heart you'd see how much she cries
how hard it is to deal w. the backstabbing and lies
you'd see how hard it is for her to say no < | 3
to hold on tighter instead of juss lettin go . .

its so hard to stay strong - wen nothings right and EVERYTHINGS going wrong <|3

i juss wanna be remembered az the girl who smiled..even if her whole world was fallin apart and the only thing she had left was a broken heart

when it starts to hurt-thats when you know its real*dawson's creek*

: FeeLiNgSsSs NeVaAa FaDeEeE :

sOmEdAyY i*LL rEmEmbEr . . Location:
wHyY i fELL fOr yOu nD wHyY i sEd gOoDbYe
bUt iMm nOt gOnNa LeT tHiSs bRoKeNn hEaRt
mEnD fOreVeR iMa gIv LoVe oNe LaSt tRyY

some people just DONT get it..and i dont think they ever will..

TaKe SuM AdViSe..
NeVa LeT YoUr HeArT Go..
LetTiN SuMwUn LoVe YoU
JuSt AiNt WoRtH gEtTiN
YouR HeArtT BrOkEn..

I wAnnA B SuMwUn ElSe..
I wAnNa B SuMwUn
YoU WaNt 2 b WiTh..
I wAnnA B SuMwUn ElSe..
AnYwUn ElSe..
BuT Me..

there's n0 p0int in takinq life too seriously *
it's n0t like you make it out alive.. .

i wish i had the guts to walk away from what we have,but i know that u wouldnt walk after me, and i guess thats what hurts the most...

i gave my heart away a long time whole heart..and i never got it back*sweet home alabama*

there are MiLLiOnS of people in this world..but in the end it all comes down to one.. *crazy/beautiful

i*ll never forget the first time we kissed..cuz the butterflies still havent gone away

yOuR wOrDs MiGht BriNg Me dOwN.
->> BuT yOu [( n E v E r )] wiLL

« BeHind mY smile is eVeRytHiNg u'lL n e v e r uNdeRsTand«

WrAp AlL yOuR tRoUbLeS uP iN yOuR
DrEaMs AnD dReAm YoUr TrOuBlEs a w a y

tell me that u love me
tell me that u care
even if ur lyin
thats what i need to hear

he can take away my trust, my pride, my courage, but he can never take away my good looks

if at first u dont suceed..then maybe failing is ur thing

what lies before us and what lies behind us are nuthin compared to what lies within us

if u mess w. the best u*ll go down with the rest

love is when u take away the feeling,the passion,and the romance out of a relationship and still care about that person

iTs jUsT suMtHiN daT haPpEnz tO yOu
aS yOu gRoW uP, it bEcoMez LeSs imPorTanT tO
haVe mOre friEnDz `nd >mUcH< mOre
imPorTanT tO hAve rEaL oNeZ

never let go of anything you cant
go a day  without  thinking about

The best things in life r unseen
...thats why we close our eyes when we...
.. Cry * Kiss * N * Dream ..

BaD TyMeZ jUs MaDe Us STrOnGa
BeST FrIeNdZ 4 LyF oR eVEN LoNgA

its not ab0ut who y0uve kn0wn the
l0ngest  its ab0ut  wh0 came and..
has  n e v e r left your s i d e

l hug him and I feel like its where I belong
& honestly it's the only place I wanna be <33

theres a pOint in yOur life when yOu start tO realize
whO matters . whO never did . and whO always will

NeVer giVe uP oN SuMoNe u LoVe

-anytime ya want me.. juss sai so
wen it cumz ta u.. i cant say no-

ill never let you hit the ground
even if im fallin myself

*im cOnvinciin miself yah i'L find sumone*
*new_i wOnt b alOne_i wOnt be wit you*
*uR waiitiing fOr mE tO crawl baK tOo ur*
*side_but nO_not this time im keepinq ma*
* pride_so qOodbye fOrevR_i'lL b On my*
* way_its qna take time but i'LL b OK*

.. .the worst feeling is wondering how things. ..
coulda been * woulda been * shoulda been
*.. l i v e  l i f e  w i t h  n o  r e g r e t s ..*

insults only boot my confidence//doubts only make me
wanna prove you wrong // telling me i can be stopped only
makes me that much stronger // i feed off of negativity so
the next time you ` s h u t m e d o w n ` ->> thanks ! !

when im away from him - i complain
when im near him - i smile
when i miss him - i cry
but when i see him i have nothing to say
cos the urge to kiss takes my breath away

when u finally find the perfect guy
think to urself y isn't he taken?

i love you is 8 letters
but then again so is bullshit

((JeAlOuSy n EnVy Are AnOtHeR WaY Of PuTtIn))
((U WiSh U WeRe Me)

evenn thoo im fedd upp imm gunna keep my headd upp

these wounds wont seem to heal
this pain is just to real
theres just to much that time cannot erase

puRe . peRfeCtiOn - iZ haRd : tO | BeaT
i _ cruSh > aLL tHe * cOmPeTitiOn - - >>

* i guess that i'm wrong for falling in love
but your the one i'm still dreamin of

*sUmOnE aLwAys hAs sUmtHiN tO sAy. .
- -|>sOo fOrgEt tHeMm]]. .
. . nDd dO tHiNgs uR oWNn wAy <|- -
[[tOmOrRo iS tHe saMe sHiT . .
- -oNLy a diFfErEnT daYy

uR hatiN woNt afFeCT mE
iLL nEvEr cHaNgE foR yOu oR aNyBoDy

whY do i aLwaYs waNt the tHiNgs i cAnt have
& haVe thE things i doNt waNt?

StOp pReTeNdiNn yOu nOe wAt iM aBoUt..
uNliKe dA ReSt oF UzEe i AiNt PlAyEdD oUt =)

for once i wana be the qirL that makes
him fall in luv-i wana be the qirL that
makes him chanqe and qiv his all <3--
fo once i wana be the qirL that makes
him foqet his qame-make him love meand draw hearts around mi name <33

*JeAlOuSy* i ExPeCt ThAt - BuT i dOnT sTrEsS tHaT
MaKiN LiDdLe GeRlZ eNvY iS wAt i*m bEsT aT

2 aLL ThE BoYzZ WhOo MaKeE MeE DeRe WiSh<--
iTt AinTt MaHh FauLt u AinTt GoOd EnuFF 4 DiSs
N aLL ThE GurLzZ WhO KaNt CoMPaRe<--
SoRrii-->No oNe sAiD LiDe wAs FaiR

- - >ALWAYS GONNA BE < - -

i love you is not what i want to hear from you
its not that i want you NOT to say that but if you only knew
how easy it would be to show me how you feel
more than words-all you have to do is make it real
then u wouldnt have to say you love already know

kNoCk mEe DoWn-I*ll KeEp MoViNg

pRoMiSe me.Thats all I want. Just a pRoMiSe that you will never forget me. Tell me how I ChAnGeD you somehow.Let me know that I had an ImPaCt on your life.LoSiNg you was hard enough, but I dont want to go through life knowing I meant NoThInG to you...

*I never thought I could want someone so much*

ReJeCtIoN is a word.FeAr of rejection is a fEeLiNg. Overcoming fear of rejection is an AcTiOn and actions speak louder than WoRdS...

doN't |ook so haRd f0r thE hAppy endiNg  *
. .y0u may misS thE beSt paRts of tHe St0rY

. . i cant promize yew a life of ->sunshine<-
but i can promize to alwaiiz beh ur umbrella

babye ive never loved someone like i loved u
i dont want anything else in my life
*--all i want is you--*

* lifes to short to worry about what everyone elese is doing do what ur doing and dont pay attention to the other people*

i cant really explain it
im so into you now
i really like what youve done to me
i cant really explain it
im so into you

i dont wanna control ya
jus wanna make ya mine
and when your lifes outta order
just have a good time

It's when you stop searching...
that you find what you've been looking for...
when you think that what you're leaving behind is the best for you...
the best comes along...

Life is so FRAGILE you'll never no what's next. So what I'm saying is to live your life to the fullest you only get to live in this world once so take the chance.

i ThInK i FoUnD mY sTrEnGtH tO fInAlLy GeT uP n LeAvE
No MoRe BrOkEn HaRt 4 Me nO mOrE tElLiN yA lIeZ tO mE
iM lOoKiN lYk I gOt My HeAd On RiTe So NoW i C
nO mOrE gIvIn Ya EvRyThIn ThErZ nO mOrE oV tAkEn My LoVe 4M mE

1 ShOt iZ nOt EnUf
U nEeD aTlEaSt An OoZy 2 MoVe Me
AfTa 4 BoTlEz oF dOn
Da KiD sTaRts FeEliN wOoZy

i act like i dunt kare .. but deep down im liein
cuz everytime i c yu talk to her .. im diein <3

|.->as real as they cOme .. cOmparasOn tO nOne =]

i have dis badd habit Of fallin..tOo hard*tOo fast
gettin mah hOpes upp fOr somethin that nevaa lasts..

uLl nEvEr kNo i MiSs y0o->>y0o w0nT sEe iT oN mY fAcE
[[y0oLl nEvEr kn0 tHaT n01 eLsE cAn tAke y0oR pLaCe]]
iLl bE sMiLiNn WhEn i SeE y0o-TeArs WiLL nEvEr sHow
i WiLl aLwAiiS LoVe y0o bUt u wiLl nEvEr kn0o

Posted by alt2/ashleigh at 10:13 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 17 July 2003 10:00 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 16 July 2003
The best song in the world!!
Sixpence none the richer-DoNt dReAm iTs oVeR

There is freedom within, there is freedom without
Try to catch the deluge in a paper cup
There's a battle ahead, many battles are lost
But you'll never see the end of the road
While you're traveling with me

Hey now, hey now
Don't dream it's over
Hey now, hey now
When the world comes in
They come, they come
To build a wall between us
We know they won't win

Now I'm towing my car, there's a hole in the roof
My possessions are causing me suspicion but there's no proof
In the paper today tales of war and of waste
But you turn right over to the T.V. page

Now I'm walking again to the beat of a drum
And I'm counting the steps to the door of your heart
Only shadows ahead barely clearing the roof
Get to know the feeling of liberation and relief

Hey now, hey now
Don't dream it's over
Hey now, hey now
When the world comes in
They come, they come
To build a wall between us
Don't ever let them win

Posted by alt2/ashleigh at 10:42 PM EDT
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Friends are the BEST!!
Hey to everyone..and i wanna say some speacial HEYS to the very best of the best..
Hey Amber!!you are such an awesome friend..i have no idea what i would do without you by my side!!weve had tough times but theyve only brought us closer!! you know a guy named CHiCKEN??ohh gah..tree stands in our backyards..okay sum people would think thats really redneck..but ohh no its really not..really!!lol you go get that new pair of shoes this weekend,u hear!!haha oh my god..we STiLL gotta take that ROAD trip!!ON THE ROAD AGAIN!if not for them..then for ourselves!!lol gah they are so not worth glad we finnaly figured that out!!or we kinda did anyways..yeah we did!!haha this summer was so much fun!haha like goin down to the Creek!haha no more 4wheelers now..DOWN THAT RED DiRT ROAD...haha!! Sooo...HYPOTHETiCALLY got banged!!!hahah omgah and remember hes gunna TRiCK me into goin into his i that dumb?really now be honest!!haha and there are SO many more that i just cant even type right now..but anyways!!you know ur awesome!!lol thanks a million times for everythang girl!!im always here for you and i hope you know that!!love you a ton!!
Hey Tiffany(we needa get some more bricks dont we?haha)and Devan(sewer!lol and dont worry bout people talkin about you..ohh yeah we know shes just checkin us out from what i hear!!haha)love yall!!
Hey Courtney!sorry thangs slipped for a while but your the best friend anyone could ever ask for!!thanks for always bein there for me and listenin to all my problems!lol i would do the same for you!!lol we have SO many great was so much fun sleepin on my porch that night..scary but fun!!haha lol remember what are the puppies names now??haha!KiSS ME PUPPY!our dance that we made up..gah!!haha that was so funny!!there are so many more and i wont ever forget em!!you know you can call me anytime!!love ya tonzz!!!
Hey Toni Kaye!!omg girl we have had SO many great memories together!!i miss havin all our lil talks!! lol i know your busy this summer though..and good luck with everything!!i know your doin great!!good luck with the guys too..dont let em treat you bad!!thanks so much for never judgin me and always understandin..nobody could ask for more in a cousin or a best friend!!im really glad that were so close!!we needa get together sumtime soon!!thanks for always listenin to my problems no matter how stupid they are!lol and you know you can talk to me about anything so call me if you ever need a thang!!love you so much cuz!!
And HEY to everybody else i still love you guys!! Skye Candice Morgan Ashley Ashley Landon Megan Kaysi Annabeth Kristina Rachel Hilen Savannah Brittany B(Mr bogarth..we still have to go to the thrift sto'!haha how do you spell F U??haha ur hilarious girl dont change!!)Brittany S. Brittany T. Kristi(gunna miss you when you move girl!ur cool!lol but have fun anyways!!and goodluck with the boys!)Mallory Chelsea and hey to everybody else too-if ur not on here then tell me sweety and you will be!!lol i LOVE you!!!

Posted by alt2/ashleigh at 1:42 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 17 July 2003 9:43 AM EDT
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