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Most girls have trouble finding Mr. Right. Well, here are some tips on how to avoid Mr. Wrong.

1. If  a guy you see looks like one of the men on this page DO NOT make eye contact.

2..If their clothes are jacked up and they try to talk to you just ignore them and walk some where else.

3. Their shoes should not look older then they are.

4.If they wear glasses they shouldn't be bifocals or 2 inches thick.

5.Their clothes should not be a decade older then them or even look a decade older.

6. Their teeth should not be  yellow and or orange.

7. Also if they have gold teeth just because they have them doesn't mean they have to stop brushing their teeth.

8.If they are going to have name brand clothes they at least have to be real.

9. If they wear glasses they should not have tape on them.

10. Their breath should not smell like garbage.