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Welcome to my personal home on the web.

Below you'll find recent news, and below that you'll find a menu with links to the other areas of the site.

Note - If any of the graphics fail to load it's probably due to,
so just right-click and select "
Show Picture" (with IE) or refresh the entire page.

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06.08.03  -  02:47  -  All new "Extra Special" section below.  "GOODNESS " is now working in the Links section.

06.07.03  -  16:05  -  "FUN " is now working in the Links section.

05.26.03  -  21:35  -  Menu is up, but no links are currently working (since I'm still building the other areas).

05.27.03  -  19:14  -  New link to track my vicarious exploits due to a recent ID theft.  Lots of fun!

05.27.03  -  19:19  -  Link to my blog is now active.

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(c)2003 x109

updated 06.08.03  -  02:47
