How a lady controlled a man...

This page last updated 9/19/2002

This site is for ladies who want to be fully in control of her man or other men

Men hold most of the offices today, but slowly women are taking over. This movement should not be taking so long. Women are clearly superior. How many times have you heard a man say "I need to ask the boss" jokingly. It's not a joke, most women control the relationships. Women clearly have an advantage. We are smarter and we are the owners of the royal throne...the pussy. Men pay just to see pussy. How many men have gotten thrown in jail for buying sex? alot. How many men have lost there jobs as teachers caving in to the temptations of a sexy student? quite a few...and the number is rising. Everywhere you look, women are in control whether they realize it or not.
Now, you are probably wondering what you can do to take charge of your relationship. I'm going to give you some steps on how to tease your man into submission. To brainwash him into the obedient slave that he should be.
First he currently dominant in the relationship? if so, you'll want to spend a few weeks teasing him and denying him release (see bottom of page for a better details and ideas). His penis is the key to his submission. Men have to cum. They cannot think straight when they don't. They can't say no if they are on the edge. Once you have him on the brink of coming...let off, when he gets lax, tease him and put him on the edge. Do this repeatedly for as long as you feel necessary. It is on the edge where you will get the aresenal you need to make him obedient. While he is on the edge, make him confess humiliating desires. Things he is afraid to tell anyone. It is sometimes best to have him handcuffed or tied to a bed. It makes the process more productive. However, if you cannot based on equipment or other reasons, you can still get the job done. IF he is naturally trying to be dominate...try the following.

Ok ladies, so your man already obeys you for the most part. But sometimes he is disobedient. If he is disobedient or even hesistate to fullfill a command, he is not fully trained. You must reprogram these animals. That is what they are, so here we go.

Ok, you should be dictating his release permanently. Only allow him to cum when you feel necessary. When a man cums, afterwards his dick is not in control. So allowing him to cum must be done in controlled environment. What I mean is, he should be in a state of humiliation or pain afterwards, this is to remind him who is in charge. Once he is fully trained to perfection, allowing him to cum won't be a problem as his brain will be programed and you'll no longer have to rely on the dick for control ;)

so, lets get started

1-continue teasing, tease, and more teasing

2-take control of his life in every avenue you can. Everytime he is on the edge, make him give something up. make him surrender something if you can.

3-make him worship your ass, your throne, your feet.

4-make him taste his precum (if he is bisexual, this will not have any effect on him) we want to feminize him. Give him a female name for around the house if you wish

5-make him repeat phrases. Have him write "lines" like in school such as "I will obey ***, women are superior, I will obey" you get the idea. You want these thoughts in his head repeatedly and constantly.

6-once a week, have him cum in a humiliating position (example: on all 4 in a skirt and lingerie, etc) screaming outloud a humiliating phrase (i'm the bitch or i'm a slut while screaming your name). something that afterwards, he will feel shame and will be too busy feeling humiliation to wonder what he is doing on his knees.

7-Change his vocabulary. NO more "oh god" or "oh man" unless you want him to call you God, but I prefer Goddess, Queen, or Mistress. But whatever you prefer.

8-Control him even at work. You cant' watch him 24/7, but that does not mean you can't control him. First instance, if a guy does not cum for 3 days, his sperm gets kinda yellow (basically dies) so if you let him cum and haven't allowed him to cum in 2-3 days and his sperm is bright white, then he has been stroking on his on, and we can't have that. You need to tease him while at work. Make him wear some of your panties or a thong, maybe even thigh high panty hose. It will make him horny at work but now know how to tell if he is cheating and cumming at work ;) let him know you know about this little trick and he'll never test you unless you just started training him.

9-ok...careful on this next one, you don't want to hospitalize him. It could do psychological trama, so be gentle. Fuck this up and all your hard work goes right out the window. I'm not playing. Now, Once again, if he is bi or if this has been done before it won't work. The first time is the one where it counts. IF HE HAS NEVER HAD A DILDO IN HIS ASS OR ANY OTHER OBJECT, you will strip him of his masculinity, which is exactly what we want to do. So grab a dildo or similar object, (make sure you use plenty of lube!) and fuck his ass. Talk shit to him the entire time. Ask him who is in charge, who is the slut, who is no longer going out with the guys because he is a worthless slave who's mere existence is now to serve you, etc, you get the idea. Basically, psychologically it will confuse him and make him realize that he is not the dominant being. To add to it, make him wear a skirt and makeup during this ordeal. It will really fuck with his brain making him submissive. ;)

10-when allowing him to cum, only do so when you utter the words "cum now". after awhile, if he only cums to this phrase, you won't even have to tease. It may take months or a year, but it will be worth it to be able to walk into a room or pick up the phone and say "CUM NOW" and have him explode into an orgasm right there. Once this have him in every way. Imagine the possibilities with this power. He's at work, you call him up and simply whisper..."cum now". Say you have a girl friend over. you no longer have to worry about hiding your submissive husband from your power to your girlfriends and soon they'll be wanting to know how they can control their men. He will be terrified and you will have a perfect lil slave.

Now..a few things to go along with the training... Admonishments: Once he'll "do anything to please you" here's some ideas that will keep him attentive, while keeping you blissfully entertained. 1. Have him pamper you. Make him... - give you a foot/back/full body massage - give you a pedicure/manicure, - paint your finger/toe nails. - bathe you/shave your legs. - cook and serve you a nice dinner. 2. Make him hand-launder your panties and lingerie. 3. Make him polish your pumps with his tongue. 4. Make him do the housework: naked, but for his "Hubby" apron and his rubber gloves! 5. Make him wear a collar and lead him around with a leash; Here pooch....Heel! Beg! Roll over...good hubby! 6. Make him earn his rewards; for example: Allow him to kiss your bottom after he does the dishes. 1 minute of pleasure for him for 10 minutes of yours. 1 orgasm for him after he makes you cum 3 times. 7. Spank him 5 times for each minute it takes him to make you climax. 8. Order him to bring himself to the edge of orgasm and stay there until you give him permission. When you give the command he must cum within 5 seconds or he will be punished and/or not allowed to cum at all. (keep him that way for 30 minutes, an hour...or as long as you want) 10. When You go out, order him to be kneeling at the door for you when You arrive. Give him plenty of chores to do while you're gone.

Punishments: If he's not performing to your satisfaction, or you just feel the need to assert yourself... 1. Spank him. (wooden spoon, hair brush, belt, ruler, ping pong paddle.) 2. Double up on his domestic chores, make them more difficult: make him use a toothbrush to clean the toilet. 3. Deny him orgasms for a long period of time (days, weeks?).

Here are some ideas, to help you tease and tantalize him, until he's willing to do anything you want him to do. Try this routine with him tonight and you'll own him -- mind, body and soul -- as of tomorrow morning!
1. Invite him up to your bedroom and undress him -- while you stand before him in your sexiest outfit. Ask him if he's been a "good boy" for you as you run your fingernails between his thighs.
2. Ask him to kneel down to rub your tired feet. Then tell him that he may kiss them if he wishes to. Allow him to kiss your feet, all the way up your legs, to the crux of your thighs, a part of your anatomy which will now be referred to as his "place of privilege." Stroke his hair and ask him if he's "earned his place."
3. Turn around and have him give your bottom a smooch, to demonstrate his sincerity.
4. Tie his hands behind his back with a silken scarf. Then have him attempt to undress you with his mouth/teeth. If he slobbers, give him a playful smack across the face.
5. By the way: Don't let him touch or otherwise arouse himself. That's what those beautifully manicured fingernails of yours are for! Use them to keep him aroused.
6. Now have him take his place at your feet while you read a romance novel or watch a sexy movie. Keep him occupied with a peek at your panties. Once you're in the mood, ask him if he'd like to "kiss his queen's throne."
7. Meanwhile, keep him teased and aroused with your toes. Make sure he has a big stiffy, but only touch it when he needs prodding. Bring him to the brink, but don't let him release! Use this opportunity to manipulate him deeper into his submissive role. Make him confess his fetishistic desires and proclaim his adulation for you.
8. Avail him to your now-musky panty crotch. Allow him to sniff it. Ask him if he'd like to kiss it.
9. pull his face toward your lair. Tell him to "kiss" and "lick" on your command. Issue these commands as if you were training a pup. You are! If he disobeys you, gag him with your panties and make him nuzzle you with his nose.
10. When his session of oral servitude is complete to your supreme satisfaction, escort him to your four-poster. Push him down on his back and tie his legs to the bedposts.
11. Straddle him. Sit on his chest and find out what he would do to be allowed to kiss your breasts. Hover over him. Get close enough for him to suckle your nipples, then pull away. Slap his face. Make him beg.
12. Turn around and avail him to your bottom. Allow him to kiss your cheeks as you pinch and tickle his joystick. Make him reach with the tip of his tongue to taste the fruit between your legs. Ask him if he's ready to assume the role of your "Personal Ass Kisser" for life. Let him audition for the role. Tell him that whether you make love to him that night depends on the lust and eagerness he exhibits in worshipping your netherhole.
13. By this time, he should be ready to explode. So, naturally you'll want to take a break. Retire to the kitchen for a glass of wine, leaving him to ponder more ways in which he can please his new boss. Drape your moist panties over his face, to give him something to inspire him.
14. When you return, give him a rousing massage between his legs, to stoke those fires within his loins.
15. Verbal stimulation is often very effective, tell him things you might do to reward him, tease him with ideas you know he'd enjoy, threaten to humiliate him if he doesn't satisfy you.

If at first you're apprehensive about taking the reins of your relationship, just relax and start small. Try this: after work tonight, tell hubby to pour you a glass of wine and give you a foot massage. Then let one of your stockinged feet worm it's way between his knees. In just a few seconds, you're going to have a completely compliant man on your hands. Have fun with your power over him! Once you're comfortable calling the shots, you'll feel as if you'd been doing it for years. And, believe it or not, he's going to love it, too! A Satisfied Woman