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Welcome To Wonderfully Wicked Wanda's Bedroom Web site.

This is my first website, so don't be too critical..... lol


Borden Party

Paltalk Family and Friends

Wanda's Family


Nova Scotia

Wonderfully Wicked Wanda's Bedroom Group, welcome's you. This is a "R" rated room. Which means anyone not over the age of 19, is not permitted in the room, as for we can not control what people say, nor do we want too. If you are over the age of 19, you are invited to come in laugh, joke, share thoughts and play music. We are found in the Meet New Friends catagory.


1. Pull up a chair, get comfy, chat, talk to old friends, as well as meet new ones. Share your thoughts, tell us about your day, share a joke, a recipe, a picture, a song, or if u just need a hug.

2. No Private Messaging anyone with out first asking in the room. This sometimes causes some computers to crash, or lock up. As well as some people just don't feel comfortable with chatting in private messages. WAIT FOR AN ANSWER!!!

3. We ask that you join in and chat, to get to know everyone.

4. This room is not a meat market. We have enough of those here on PalTalk. This is a room where friends and family meet new and old friends, from around the world. Where we chat, get to know one another and joke, while listening or playing music.

5. The music allowed in this room is, country, 50's to 90's, new and old rock...basically anything, but No Rap!!

6. This is an open room as far as, anyone can go on mic or cam's, as long as you raise your hand and are respectable. Keep in mind, again...THIS IS NOT A MEAT MARKET.

7. We are a pretty open minded group. But should a situation arise, where the administrator should have to speak up to someone, and request them to stop something, and the request be ignored. They will be warned a second time, on the third time the administrator will remove that individual from the room. Should this individual come back and is removed a second time, He/She will be banned from the group permittly.

With keeping these few rules in mind......Come in, relax and have fun!!!

Now onto the rest of the our site. Just click on the links above and please do feel free to give me some feed back, good or bad. I'd like to hear it.

email me at