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Welcome to the Primitivae Future's Official Website.

  "Holy Smoking Metal Madness!; on Saturday, July 16th, 2005
This Saturday we went to check out the ultra-heavy style of Smoke Killer material ,they get better every year. The last band of the night was Blizzard of Oz, a Sabbath/Ozzy tribute. Pretty cool, they were good. Check out more from Smoke and other local and national acts on Rebel Radio 1330 am

  "The Rise of Broadband Metal; on Thursday, June 16th, 2005
What do we have to look forward to? It's internet radio, brothers and sisters! The true metal you want at anytime. That's the way television is too. If you get the newest Winamp, have a broadband connection cable/DSL or better and you are ready to rock 24/7/365! Let's start with Chronix radio. I haven't truly investigated their website. They have a decent selection of music. To find out more go to Another pretty good one is Kerrang radio. This is a British radio station, but it's a feed of a live broadcast. You can hear the British rock station here

  "Happy New Year, everyone!" on Saturday, February 26, 2005
Happy New Beer, it's 2005. We layed down about 17 tracks or so; some really killer material coming out very soon here. So we don't show our face...well, we don't wear masks neither...Let the music speak for itself, shall we? -DJ Fredek .
  "A True American Heavy Metal Hero" written by: DJ Fredek on Monday, December 9th (The Day After), 2004
A band with truly few peers, Pantera rose to unprecedented prominence in the early '90s with an uncompromising approach that prided itself on brutality and reverence rather than style or trend. Their eccentricity and stubborn insistence on being the most intense metal band this side of death metal took them to the top of the Billboard charts, yet also ironically reduced them to cult status. Either way, Pantera never followed the bandwagon, winning legions of metalheads with sincerity, even if it meant they had become the genre's dark horse. But the Texas band wasn't always uncompromising. In fact, for much of the '80s, an admittedly formative version of Pantera was indeed rather trendy. That changed, though, in 1990 when the group released Cowboys From Hell. Undeniably influenced by late-'80s thrash, it nonetheless stunned much of the metal community by toning down the tempo and upping the intensity level. Pantera's king-of-the-hill status, however, came with 1992's Vulgar Display of Power. Their next album, Far Beyond Driven's debut at the top of Billboard in 1994 confirmed this lofty status. Yet, by the time Pantera returned two years later in 1996, things had changed and they saw their following dwindle slowly. It was inevitable. Yet rather than adapt to the latest trend, Pantera remained Pantera, priding themselves on their workmanlike approach to keeping heavy metal heavy, never toning down their intensity level, and scoffing at trends. They may have become bitter and jaded, but you could never call Pantera sellouts. The group's beginnings date back to the early '80s when they began releasing albums for the Metal Magic label. Originally, the band featured brothers Darrell and Vincent Abbot, Rex Brown, and Terrence Lee. They debuted in 1983 with Metal Magic, followed by Projects in the Jungle in 1984, and I Am the Night in 1985. Singer Philip Anselmo replaced Glaze in 1986, and the group went on to record Power Metal, an album released in 1988 that eventually scored the group a deal with East West. While these '80s albums are no doubt curious to hear, it's fairly evident that this was a much different Pantera. For the most part, fans and surely the band treat Cowboys From Hell as Pantera's "official" debut album featuring the group's longtime lineup: Anselmo (vocals), Diamond Darrell (guitar), Vinnie Paul (drums), and Rex Brown (bass). This album put Pantera on the national metal map, particularly thanks to songs like "Cemetery Gates" and the title-track. Still, as treasured as this album has become to many of the group's fans and while it features some of Pantera's most crafted songwriting, it's a rather derivative album owing obvious debt to the late-'80s thrash movement and didn't sell many units at the time of its release. Two years later, the group truly came into its own with Vulgar Display of Power, what will no doubt forever remain the definitive Pantera album. Rather than derive its approach from thrash like much of Cowboys From Hell did, Vulgar Display carves out its own unique aesthetic, emphasizing not so much musicality or speed but rather intensity and heaviness. In fact, much of the music on Vulgar Display is downright simple and straightforward, which only accentuates the album's unbelievably menacing delivery. Anselmo in particular blossoms here as not only a lyricist but also as a vocalist, singing/yelling/screaming his words/sounds with reckless abandon. And with such classic songs as "Walk," "Mouth for War," and "Fucking Hostile," this album essentially changed the sound of heavy metal upon its release in 1992, a key moment in the evolution of metal, post-dating the simultaneous demise of thrash and Metallica's commercial breakthrough and pre-dating the rise of Korn and the successive alternative metal movement. If Vulgar Display of Power and the band's ensuing tour changed the sound of metal in 1992, Pantera capitalized on that change two years later with the release of Far Beyond Driven, which shocked the States by debuting at number one on Billboard's album chart, a remarkable feat for such a harsh album. Yes, Pantera actually one-upped themselves with Far Beyond Driven, delivering the heaviest album they could seemingly make. In fact, the album's relentless focus on intensity and abandon came at the expense of the songwriting. Where past songs like "Cemetery Gates" or "Walk" boasted crafted songwriting, Pantera seems to care less about songwriting on Far Beyond Driven than sound and intensity, every bandmember funneling his efforts into delivering the most brutal performance possible. So while it's easy to criticize the album for being a bit careless in terms of songwriting, it's just as easy to cherish the album's sonic blitzkrieg. Legions of fans did just that on Pantera's ensuing arena tour with Type O Negative. (This album also found Diamond Darrell changing his name to Dimebag Darrell. You can read the rest of the article here <------.

  "The Future is Here" written by: Fernando on Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Hi everybody. We are slowly, but surely arranging more and more parts to what seems to be an interesting journey to say the least. We're having a great time while we're at it. One twist is that I'll be playing the live drum tracks. Mark will setup all the sound as he knows the acoustics of the practice room better than anyone. He's also been using my Zoom GFX 707 and he sounds kick ass. Also he's using my 150 watt amp head. We're switching back and forth on bass, this is the progress up-to-date. Kicking ass and taking names, good job Mark! He sounded great on the protype improv jams. his noisy guitar work is growing on me. The drum beats I'm coming up with lately are more challenging, but it's gonna be a crazy ride.
  "Dinstinction" written by: DJ Fredek on Thursday, September 23, 2004
As our music project moves forward, we are introducing some features that have not been displayed before. Technological Warfare seems to be that the great giant corporations around the world trying to spy on you and infect your computer with their "needed" products. So I decided to add this Global Map showing the current status of the world today. You can get more information at So get yourself a firewall from Zone Alarm and dont let yourself be a victim. Protect your computer and internet habits private.
  "Synthesis" written by: DJ Fredek on 5.6.04
Welcome to the Pr1mïtïvÆ FûtÜr£ home page. We're in the process of writing new material and we will be returning to the studio in a couple of weeks. Enjoy the bootlegs for now, leech away and drain our blood dry.

  "Prognosis" written by: Fernando on 5.3.04
Movies will be posted in a couple days and check back for NEW MUSIC from Pr1mïtïvÆ FûtÜr£
.: News Updates :.
OK, check this out. I went to see long time buddy, Radio DJ and Chicago Metal Scene veteran Scott Davidson from Rebel Radio to see his new band SMOKE and they were openeing for My Ruin. Smoke did a really great job and kicked everyone's ass, while they were making new fans, people kept asking me who they were, yadda, yadda...So then, My Ruin came on with a gothy/punker look and blew everyone away with the most brutal and chaotic chick metal I've ever seen since Kitty. If you want your ass kicked between your ears go to or and check these ladies out, you won't be disappointed
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Name: DJ Fredek
Age:Old Enough To Make Babies
Sex: Male
AIM: No Chat Messenger
Website: Psychothesis
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