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Visceral Crusiform-the den of evil

My favorite things to do

A little on me then huh, well i am not very interesting. i am an electrical engineering student, and i work at kmart(the real den of evil). i also have an undying hate for martha stewart, satan herself, the bad kind of satan, not the cool one who buys underaged kicks beer. in my spare time, which lately seems to be less and less and less, i play online whitewolf, listen to music, or play table top with a few other friends. Also i like to get drunk whenever possible, high stress life will make you want to get drunk too. so excuse any typos or general stupid you see on this page, since i am probably drunk now. argg head ache, i basically do nothing more than that currently, other than my hobby of kicking puppies around and pimpin of course.

Related websites

my online character page
white wolfs page
