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So you want to learn how to create a website, well you have come to the right place.

This tutorial is aimed at secondary school teachers who have no experience in web page design and HTML. The main objective of the tutorial is to provide teachers with the knowledge that will enable them to develop their own web pages.

With the introduction of ICT's in education you may feel that you are falling behind with regard to new educational tools and often fear using such tools. This tutorial is here to conquer and dispel your fears. You do not need to be highly technical to develop web pages. It is as easy as writing a sentence or giving a command. When you tell your browser to display something in bold it will. You just need to know how to tell your browser to do this. This is where this tutorial comes in, it will show you how to give the approriate commands to your browser.

By the time you have reached the end of this tutorial you will be able to construct a series of linked web pages for any subject that includes formatted text, pictures, and hypertext links to other web pages on the Internet.

Once you can develop your own web pages the world of ICT is your oyster. Nothing can stop you now, you will have conquered the hottest most trendy and progressive ICT tool there is.

Website Creation Tutorial Site Structure

Making a great web site is much more than just coding. You need to be skillfull at presenting your ideas in an interesting way. Therefore this website consists of two distinct tutorials. The first tutorial looks at the design issues when developing a website. The Design tutorial provides visitors with enough design information to enable them to create successful websites. It outlines the features of good website design. Remember if your site looks unprofessional, it will never capture the visitors attention or obtain repeat visits.

The second tutorial, HTML, looks at the Hyper Text Manipulation Language (HTML) used to develop websites. To begin with the name is the most complicated thing you will come across in this tutorial, so don't worry. This is not a complete coverage of the entirety of HTML. The tutorial is intended as an introduction to HTML. You will not know everything there is to know about HTML when you reach the end of the tutorial, but you will know enough to create a perfectly good website that will be the envy of your collegues.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with any of the terms used in this website, take a look at the Glossary page. It contains an explanation for frequently used terms in Web development and the Internet.

There is a vast amount of information available on the Internet which you can use in developing your websites. Certain sites contain links where you can download graphics, pictures, webpage templates all for free. The Resources section of this website contains useful links to sites where you can download such information. You should use these resources because they basically do alot of the work for you and provide you with material that will make your websites professional and fun.

If you have any questions in relation to this website or any suggestions regarding how I can improve the website please contact me.

Website Navigation

You should start your lesson at the webpage Design Tutorial. The end of each page contains a link to the previous page and the next page you should visit. After visiting all the design pages you will be directed to the HTML Tutorial. Your location in the tutorial will be highlighted at the top of the left hand corner of each page, also the button of the page you are currently on will be highlighted.

Well it's time to Start, have a good journey through this website and most of all have FUN!

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