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Treaty of East St. Louis

Be it known that on the date of June 10, 2003, a treaty of nonagression and mutual assurance of safety is in effect between the Anarchs and the Setites of St. Louis.

This concordant, signed and bound with honor, represents a vigilant truce between the above mentioned parties.

Each party agrees to the responsibility of maintaining peace in the territory known as East St. Louis. Each side shall lay censures on any and all who breach this sacred agreement. Both sides are entreated to accept and gain solace in this accord.

Be it known that as of this date, the section of East St. Louis, known as Cahokia, is now the sole and sacred territory of the Setites. The Setites are free to conduct business and worship freely, with no fear of intervention or reprisal. They are granted the right to police this area, as they see fit. In addition, they are granted the right to conduct business in a club, currently under construction, on State Street in the territory of the Anarchs.However, be it known that said club is subject to the jurisdiction of, and oversight of the Anarchs.While the Setites are allowed to conduct business as they see fit in the establishment, it is ultimately within the sphere of Anarch political influence.

Be it also known, that the Anarchs, are currently in possession of the remaining territory, known as East St. Louis. The governing body of such, shall police that area, as they see fit.

From this night forward, be it known the Anarchs and Setites of St. Louis do hereby pledge to ensure peace between the parties as well as allegiance should any outside party attempt to invade East St. Louis.

It is rendered that each side shall make all current members and any future members of thier respective sects, aware of this treaty, and also the whereabouts of the headquarters of each faction. In so doing, each is aware of, but not required to, the offer to present themselves to the appropriate leaders of each sect, with the assurance that privacy will be kept at all times.

Be it also known, that in the event that any part of this agreement is violated, it null and voids the entire pact. Also, should any member of the Anarchs or the Setites, commit an act that is deemed in violation of this pact, appropriate justice shall be meted out, without prejudice. Similiarly, should any member of each sect commit an act deemed unacceptable against the Camarilla, no aid or creedence shall be given to the offender.

It is rendered that all parties involved and all showing allegiance to any of these parties shall be held responsible for all aspects of this Pact brought forth here, in the city of St.Louis, in the state of Missouri.

May Caine and Set hold truth and peace for us all.