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Psyonic Jewel:
The sky was dark. The winds howled. An archiologist
studied rare artifacts that tells him about the things that happened before we were born and he found and
saw a gem that sparkled in the midnight moon john asked the villagers
if they have ever seen an artifact like this before. The villagers turned
away and ran inside locking all the doors. John said to himself "Hmm where
did this come from was it from the gods above or a jewel that brings mischief
to the founder of the jewel" John was tired and so he went to the tent and slept
while he slept he woke up from a noise that had frightened him the noise was loud.
John ran outside looking around the area to see if there were some1 there but silence
was what he heard and so he relaxed and went back in 3 minutes later he heard something
again but closer this time and as John turned he was sruct the jewel he found was fusing
with him. that night John said "he this puny world will die and bow to me hahahahhahah
He started to walk upon earth and started to enslave the people but he didnt expect a small
force came to stop him the force was 7 men 5 warlocks and 30 fairies they locked in combat so
the fairies attacked him while the men protected the warlocks who are chanting a spell to
put him away so he killed 25 fairies before he lost to the warlocks and was sealed away for good"

500 years later

<"chapter 1 Freinds">

(Man)"ahhh *yawn* hey yo bro get up we got to get food comon"

(man2)"*yawn* o man comon do we got to"

(man)"well ya if you dont want to starve to death now common"

(man2)"*yawn* fine lets go"

(man)"oh and dont forget to bring your bow to hunt"

(man2)"dont worry"

(man)"well im ready are you Josh"

(josh)"well hold on ill get ready just wait k"

(man)"k well dont over do your self remember wat happened when you did"

(josh)"0 ya i kinda forgot. well steve im ready to go"

(narrator)and off they went they stoped at the forest and looked around to see if there were any animals around. But in a distance Josh saw a bear and said

(josh)" look over there Steve a bear"

(steve)"o i see it now"

(josh)"on account of 3 k"


(josh)" "1......2......3 go"

(narrator)as they plunged towards the beast they were stopped by an arrow the arrow was sharp and it almost hit them. They heard a sound and turned to where it was when they turned they saw a girl about 5 foot 6 tall and in her 16s they ran from the bear and walked up to the girl and said

(Josh)"what are you doing in the woods alone"

(girl)"i always go out to the wilderness just to see the animals move around"

(josh)"but who are you"

(girl)"my name is Sophie whats yours"

(steve)"uh me name is steve and this is my friend Josh how you doing *chuckles*"

(sophie)"well hello to you to"

(narrator)The three people heard something in a distance

(josh + Steve)" wait here we'll go check it out k sophie"

(sophie)"no i want to see to hmph"

(josh + Steve)"k but dont get hurt k"

(sophie)" don't worry i know how to take care of myself"

(narrator)all three of them ran to the sound of the roar and when they got there they saw a beast that had a big hand and body when they looked they saw a golem. the golem roared and the three stoped and got out there weapons. sophie had a metal staff that glowed when she was near there. Steve has a sword that was handed down to him from a long line of family. Josh had a Bow the bow was said to bring great results in battle.

(chapter 2)

The battle

(narrator)The golem ran roaring at steve but steve jumped away and ran at the golem (chants a spell)Steves sword turned blue and steve slashed the golem hard, the golem roared in pain and bashed steve away sophie ran up to steve and healed steve

(sophie)"hey steve you ok"

(steve)"ya thanks but how do you know how to heal"

(sophie)"well im a sorcerer and I battled with this stuff all the time so dont worry"

(steve)"wow thx watch out!!"

(narrator)the golem started to run towards them the golem was about to attack them but for some reason the golems arm stopped.

(josh)"run you guys I got him"

(steve+sophie)"right thx"

(narrator)sophie+steve ran away and josh shot 1 more arrow at the leg of the golem and the golems left leg stopped.

(steve)"wow how did you make it stop like that josh"

(josh)"well my arrows some how paralizes the monster it hits for a while so if i were you id attack the golem now before the affect runs out"


(sophie)"hold on a sec so your arrows stop any beasts do they"


(narrator)steve ran towards the golem and chants the same spell and this time his sword turned blue with a sharp edge so he slashed the golem and the golems arm fell off

(steve)"all right i rock ha ha"

(sophie)"(gives a look) hmph well why dont you shut up and watch someone real do the job"

(narrator) (chants a spell) the staff glowed and suddenly a blast comes out and shatters the golem into pieces

(sophie)"see told ya"

(steve)"wow that was dull and boring i mean wheres the fun in zapping the damn thing and destroying it hm"

(josh)"well we dont gotta always beat up the monsters right"

(steve)" but then theres no fun"

(sophie)"o i thought you guys wanted to die quikly o sry o well"

(sophie)"i got to go now k i got to see mom k bye"

(steve)"k bye"

(josh)"k bye"
(Chapter 3)


(sophie)"ya cya"

(steve)"dude she was hot eh"

(josh)"sure wat ever you say"

(steve)"no seriosly she is 1 hot person"

(josh)"ya sure"

(steve)"(stick out tongue) you just dont appreciate good girls"

(josh)"but girls are icky"

(steve)"uh ya thats right girls are icky"

(narrator)he he just kidding its more like

(josh)"ya she is cute but i dont think shes beutiful"

(steve)"(sighs) fine have it your way cya im going home"

(josh)"k ill be ther in a sec i wanna look around for things k"

(steve)"sure just dont go to far and be back eairly"

(josh)"k i will bye"

(narrator)so steve went home and joshwent to look around and wat he saw was going to change his life he saw sophie and a guy making out hahahahaha got ya again fine ill stop so josh was went searching around and while he was searching he heard a scream

(man)"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh help som1 plz (starts to cry)help me"

(narrator)josh rushed over to where he was and found a beast attacking him but it wasnt any he saw before wat he saw was a three headed dod that is big and ferosios but josh didnt care all he wanted was to help out the man so he shot an arrow but the three headed dog was big and just threw it awaythen charged at josh. Josh tried to escape

(chapter 4)

(the evil cerebus)

(narrator) josh was about to die untill a masked man came and saved his life


(masked man)"no time for chit chat"

(narrator) the masked man called in 1 more masked man and said

(masked man1)"go save the other person"

(masked man2)"ay"

(narrator)the masked men grabed them both and ran away from the three headed dog so when they escaped they found a near by shack and then asked them both

(masked man1)"who are you and where did you come from tell me"

(josh)"i would like to know who u guys r first"

(masked man1)"we are the ninjake masters and we serve and protect"

(masked man2)"we were searching around for a strange girl that has powers to control monsters minds"

(man)"wait a minute u mean u were searching fora girl that takes over people minds and uses them against there will"

(masked man1)"yes and who r u"

(man)"o im craig and i was passng by when suddenly i was attacked by a three headed dog"

(masked man1)"ah so that would explain the girlish cries for help"

(masked man2)"shera tem kiko weht arl arl arl(ah just wat we need a girl hahahahahah)

(masked man1)"derdea retma jusat wefre killop Vertrix (well i could be worse he could be an assasain sent by vertrix"

(josh)" uh why u tie us up"

(masked man1)"cause u might be sented by Vertrix"

(josh)"Vertrix whos that"

(masked man1)"only the most devilish devil that was sealed 500 years ago but somehow he could still contact the outside world and turn them into slaves to do his bidding"

(narrator)as he was explaining they heard a big stomp and turned around what they saw was a girl and the three headed dog walking towards them staring and looking so she said

(evil girl)"hahahaha you think you can catch me well think again prepare to die cerebus attack

(whisper)no dont hurt them make them quiver when they know whos doing this so tell them off and say my name

(evil girl)"ok fine hey ill spare you today but dont forget we are watching you and my name is millie so dont try anything stupid or we might just kill you hahahahahahahahaha ta ta o and dont forget this name vertrix"

(narrator)so they disapeared in a puff of smoke and there gone they were all scared and said

(masked man1)"o no looks likewe are doomed if we dont do anything well we half to stop him for every1"

(masked man2)"well i guess so lets gather up the rest"

(narrator)they cut the rope and ran off into the trees leaving no trace of there existance.

untill then bye

[Chapter 5]


(josh)"well that was weird eh"

(craig)"ya but i gotta go somewhere but thx for helping me"

(josh)"o k well bye"


(narrator)craig ran away and started to head home so josh did the same thing but when he got home he did not expect what happened next for he was pushed by some mysterious force that held josh against the wall of the house. when he was pinned he heard a famillier voice that sounded like a girl and when he was looking around he saw that same evil girl and her cerebus near by and she said

(millie)"mi mi mi what do we got here o well looks like you die like the others"

(josh)"(gulps)otheres wat do u mean by that and wat do you want with me"

(millie)"wat i mean is ill make u my mind slave and use u against your own friends hahahahahahaha u see this is your fate it will be decided on wat you do for me"

(josh)"never i will never be a slave to you"

(millie)"o dont worry you will be prepare yourself"

(narrator) the evil girl (chants a spell) and instantly josh became her mind slave so she said

(millie)"see wat did i tell you. you were destined to become a slave to me and do my bidding hahahahaha now go to your house and get your things but dont tell no 1 where u are going k ow go"

(josh)"yes mistress i will do s you say and get my things"

(narrator) josh went home and started to pack his things but then steve rushes in and askes

(steve)"hey dude wat are you doing"

(josh)"im packing up cause i am leaving"

(steve)"leaving? leaving where"

(josh)"i canot tell now move or else"

(steve)"or else wat"

(josh)"or else ill shoot"

(narrator)josh pulls out his bow and aims it at steve and says (josh)"let me leave now!"

(steve)"fine go"

(narrator) josh walked towards the door and left when he left steve started to cry and weep

(steve)"(crying and weeping) why why did you do that... hey wait a sec(cheers up a bit) i bet there is something wrong cause he nevers does that hmmm now to investigate"

(narrator) steve got ready and left the house to look for josh but josh was already walking with the evil girl when steve found him so steve ran up to the evil girl and asked

(steve)"hey wat r u doing with my friend(pulls out his sword)"

(narrator)his hand stops and she says

(millie)"well your friend will be use full and you wont so prepare to die cerebus get ready"

(narrator)"steve jumped out of the way and puls out his sword again and starts to charge at the beast when he got there he slashed and missed cause the cerebus has already jumped over him so steve turns around and looks at the beast and (chants a spell) his sword turned greenwith a sharp edge and he charged at the cerebus and the cerebus charged to.

(chapter 6)

(The Cerebus curse)

(narrator)as they charged they struck each other and sent both of them flying away from steve's attack and the horns of the cerebus. so steve got up (groans)

(steve)"hehe i guesse you are as powerful as they say u are hahaha well lets see if you can back it up"

(narrator) steve(chants a spells)sword turns red,blue and green with a sharp egde so he charged again and at the cerebus and makes a slash that hit the cerebus and sent him flying and burning across the forest and the evil girl said

(millie)"hahaha you cannot defete him (chants a spell) see look at him"

(narrator) steve looked at the cerebus and saw him get up on its hind legs and starts to glow but then in a second he dissapeared and steve looke around for him but did not see him so steve calmed down a little and looked at the girl and askes

(steve)"wat where is the three headed dog huh wat did you do to him"

(millie)"hhahaha you think im going to let you kill my pet no no i want to see you suffer slowly from when the curse kick in hahah"

(steve)"wat curse"

(millie)"the cerebus curse thats wat"

(steve)"wat how i get lie"

(millie)"hahaha no lie you will soon feel the pain that it brings"

(NARRATOR)"the evil girl walked away and steve fell to the ground in pain and starts to groan then he started to lost his vision and then he fainted. 2 days later he woke up and when he did he saw sophie standing beside him and then askes

(sophie)"what happened"

(steve)"i was attacked'

(sophie)"attacked by who"

(steve)"attacked by a three headed dog and a girl"

(sophie)"o no it cant be did you see if the girl had black and brown hair"

(steve)"ya you know her"

(sophie)"i knew her before she became a slave to vertrix and started to do evil things to every1"

(steve)"so you knew her"


(steve)"well she took josh and made him a slave to vertrix"

(sophie)"o no! she did" (steve)"why wat is the prob" (sophie)"if he shoots an arrow wat do you think it does"

(steve)"it stuns the person it hi..... o no! your right we got to stop him"

(sophie)"well i cant go with you"

(steve)"why hey wait a sec where am i"

(sophie)"5 miles away from your shack in a town called reteria"

(steve)"o well then bye"


(narrator)"steve walks out of town and starts to look for josh when he was walking he got hungry and tired so he stoped and looked around for any deers or animals near him but he didnt see any and so he found some mushrooms and cooked them up after eating he got back up and started o walk but as he was walking he noticed that it was getting dark and he knew he had to stop and make camp and he heard a noise after he got the tent set up"

[chapter 7]

[the dream]

(narrator)steve took out his sword causiosly and walked towards where he had heard the noise so he started to walk towards it holding up his sword and then he says.

(steve)"who are you and why are you here"

(????)"I come with no harm just walking by"

(steve)"show yourself and then talk to me"

(narrator) a person walked out towards him in a black hood, cape and a mask and says.

(????)"i know who you are searching for and i may be able to help you that is for something in return"

(steve)"fine ill do it wat do you want"

(????)"i want a brand new cape and a new mask with a new hood and i want a long metal staff or the deals off got it'

(steve)"o thats a lot but sure ill get you them when you want them?"

(????)"as soon as much you got?"

(steve)" uh i got like 5000 Gs or more i dont know"

(????)"5000 Gs is good now go to town and buy me them now"

(steve)"fine i will towmorrow k"

(????)"fine ill meet you here k bye"

(steve)"wait you nevered told me your name"

(????)"youll find out soon but not now bye young one"

(narrator) he dissapeares into the night and and is gone so steve went to sleep "and in his dream we go"

(steves dream)"he dreamed that he was walking on a river and it was dark and he shouts out"

(steve)"where am i"

(steves dream)"he heres a giggle and turns around looking for where it came from but he didnt see any 1 he ran away and then he trips on something and when he looked he saw the same mystery man that made him the deal and so he stops and askes"

(steve)"where am i and why are you here"

(dream guardian)"(in deep voice)I am your guardian i am here to protect you"

(steve)"guardian? wat do you mean"

(dream guardian)"wat i mean is ill protecrt you till i die so lets go"

(steve)"go where"

(dream guardian)"o no run steve! NOW!"

(steve)"wat wats happening why do you want me to run"

(dream guardian)"i dont want you to get hurt from vertrix now go!"

(steve)"vertrix you mean hes after me"

(dream guardian)"yes now run!"

(steve)"no im staying to help you"

(dream guardian)"NO! go now run!"

(steve)"no i wont!"

(steves dream)"steve stayed and whe he saw vertrix about 3 miles and he was a monster like he has ever saw befopre in his life and then steve was pushed by a mysterios force and steve said.

(steve)"huh wat is haaaapppinnnnng uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

(dream guardian)"forgive me master i will send you away uhgh"

(steves dream)"the person was hurt and then all steve saw was blood everywhere and then steve said.

(steve)"(cries) noooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!"

(dream guardian)"good bye ste ugh"

(steves dream)"steve could only see his guardian die in the place where he was trying to protect and then steve was sent somewhere else and then he woke up"

(narrator)steve was panting and sweating and then he thought about the dream that he had and said.

(steve)"wat was that"

[chapter 8]


(narrator)steve got up and stoped thinking about it so then he starts to walk to the town for the mystery person he makes it to town and goes to the clothire and got a new hood and robe then he went to the black smith and got the staff and after steve found out that he had 2000Gs left and decided to bye himself a new sword so he goes and buys a sunrise blade and then he headed back to the camp and when he got back he saw the mystery person again and so he gives the mystery person his stuffand says


(????)"hmmmmm thx"

(steve)"so youll help me"

(????)"k lets go"

(steve)"go where"

(????)"get your stuff and come with me"


(narrator)"steve gets his stuff ready and then starts to walk with the mystery person and then soon after the made it to an underground cavern that was damp and empty so he said.

(????)"this was the battlefield that our ancesters battled vertrix and sealed him away then we got to live for a very long time up to now so i have created a small force to try and stop vertrix and his evil plan on enslaving the world turning them into beasts and use them against there will so we have been trying to find him but we cant find him" (steve)"o well where do you think he is and with his giant army"

(????)"he probly dosent have big enough force to wipe us all out"

(steve)"ah ok any ways where are we going"

(????)"to my secret base and then we can talk normally"


(narrator)"they ventured into the underground cavern and finnaly they got to there base and sat down and started to talk about things that vertrix did but later on they heard a noise and both of them turn around looking at who is here, they saw a beast far away from here and the beast was a buffed up orc that lives in underground places and then the orc saw them and then started to run towards them screaming so steve and the mystery person got out there weapons and got ready but behind the beast they saw about 500 orcs started to run towards them so the mystery man blasted them away with a shockwave that pushes back big objects or destroys small monsters so the person wiped alot of them out of site but they were still running towards them so then steve charged with his weapon and then he saw that they have come with a big cyclops with them.

[chapter 9]

[death to vertrix]

(narrator)steve *gasp* and then asked.

(steve)"hey how do we beat all of them"

(????)"well lets try any ways"

(narrator)"steve charged at the orcs and started to slashed the orcs and while he was doing that the mysterios person was (chanting a spell) and then 10 of the orcs were flung back at the cyclops hitting him hard and painfully with there swords, so steve still ran to attack them but there were too many so steve said.

(steve)"lets get outa here we are out numbered"

(????)"no just hold them off for a little longer"

(narrator)"the mystery person (chants another spell) [i call the earth water fire and lightning to come help me now i summon you elements] and in a puff of smoke there were 4 golems earth water fire and lightning and started to beat the orcs down to hell so then the mystery man says.

(????)"now we can run"

(steve)"(WOW) how you do that"

(????)"no time to explain now lets go"

(steve)"u sure lets go"

(narrator)"they ran out of the cavern in a secret exit that he made and so they went in and started to run in the secret cavern and then after they got out they ran to the nearest town and stayed for the night at an inn where they charge 100$ for 1 week so then steve said.

(steve)"loks like we are safe'

(????)"yes for now but we have a week to get supplies and get out of this town k so dont let anyone else see you k here where this [tosses cloak] use this to hide your identity k"

(steve)"k thanks for the cloak"

(????)"dont mention it"

(steve)"hey wat is your name"

(????)"my name?"

(steve)"ya your name"

(????)"i dont know if i got one because my parents died when i was 2 years old and i have been living off of some stuff that people threw out"

(steve)"o who killed your parents"


(steve)"a so thats why you kept a secret identity so he cannot find you"

(????)" presicly thats why im wearing a cloak cause im going to his forrtress just like you to show him wat im made of and al the pain he caused to me cause of him i had suffered all these years of eating off of other garbage and learning how to take care of my self [fists clunches] so i made a vow to kill him before i die so thats why i need your help to cause you got a friend there right and we both want to kill him right"

(steve)"ok ill help and how about i give you a name"

(????)"i tried to make 1 but i dont know wat to name myself"

(steve)"how about strider thats a good name"

(????)"i guess thats a good name for a person like me"

(steve)"hey why dont you take off your hood and show me wat you really are"

(strider)"ok i will"

(narrator)"srider took off his cloak and steve saw something that he had ever saw before and he was speechless.

[chapter 10]

[steve second dream]

(narrator)"steve saw an arathian. arathians are creatures that lived a thousand years ago and was the one that were the seal guardian of the spirit world and all steve had to say was.

(steve)"wow your an arathian ha I thought all of you were extinct"

(strider)"well some are but not all"

(steve)"wow you come from the spirit world right"

(strider)"yes and I have been searching the world for helpers that would help me defeat vertrix so i found you and asked you if you wanted to help me cause I said that ill help you get your friend back"

(steve)"so thats why you wanted to help me"

(strider)"yes I have to protect the spirit world but a spirit escaped into this world and it was vertrix so i had to come and see for my self and so here i am"

(steve)"ah ok thats cool but lets get some shut eye k"

(strider)"k good night"

(steve)"ya good night (yawn)"

(strider)"sleep now and save your energy"

(narator)"so they went to sleep and after P******Steve dreams*******P (steves dream)"steve starts to walk out of the inn and starts to walk to where the orcs attacked him and to find out why they did so steve went back and when he got there he saw 7 arathians 20 fairies and about 1000 orcs talking at once but the 1000 orcs were guarding and then 7 saw steve and held there weapons up and then the people askes.

(arathians)"what are you and why are you here"

(steve)"uh i nevered knew there were people in here sorry ill leave"

(steves dream)"steve left and then not long after he saw vertrix again but this time when he got closer steve got scared and started to run away and then the arathians orcs and fairies got out and started to attack vertrix and said.

(war force)"arg you shall die vertrix for we shall stop you"

(steves dream)"all of a sudden strider came up to steve and said.

(strider)"you see how they fought vertrix this is only the begining of vertrix so watch out k (echos)k....k....k....k"

(steves deam)" and then poof he was gone

[chapter 11]

[craigs arrival] (steves dream)"after steve saw vertrix running through them and started to run at steve. Steve yelled. (steve)"ah shit hes after me dammit fine ill kill him with my sword [chants a spell]. (steves dream)"steves sword changes to white to light and strucked vertrix with it but the evil king moved out of the way and chanted a spell that froze steve in place then after steve froze vertrix got out a axe and started to walk towards steve and then said. +vertrix+"hahaha now you will die and there is nothing you can do about it hahahahaha" (steve)"u are wrong i shall triumph over bad!!!" (steves dream)"steve started to glow and then in a few seconds later vertrix was cut in the arm and he groans." (vertrix)"danm u son of a bitch!!!! how did u move so fast?" (steve)"i am" (vertrix)"wat r u!!!! answer me!! am i to pity u!! am i to kill u!! tell me!!!!!!!!!!" (steves dream)"he blows up steve jumped back and hurt himself the woke up." (narrator)"steve got up and he saw that he was surrounded by orcs tens of thousands of orcs" (orc leader)"get up and come with us or u shall die here and now" (steve)"no!!! i wont argh!!!" (narrator)"steve [chants a spell] his sword flies into his hand and then glowed. he slashed the orcs and started to kill them but he did not know that they reproduce so each 1 he killed came back to life as two different people" (steve)"danm u why wont u die!!!" (narrator)"the orcs ran towards steve but was stoped by a mysterious force"