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The Change

Welcome to the 21st century. When compared to the whole of human history, these are enlightened times indeed. Today, the Internet is to our generation (and those yet to come) much the same as the written word to the ancient Babylonians. Here we can not only record our thoughts through the written word, we can post these words on a site for the whole world to read. The most significant difference between the invention of the written word and the development of the internet is that whereas the libraries in Alexandria can be destroyed with fire and wept about by historians until the end of time, that same amount of information can be fit on just a few discs, copied, and sent all over the world in moments today. It would make sense that as the Information Age progresses, (one wonders if the Babylonians had a similar name for their own times) cultures will begin to melt, ideas merge...and many of history's great enigmas will be solved through the sharing of historical information. We also have the opportunity (through the 'net) to study any subject of interest we desire. Many teachers are being replaced by class time spent online. (Not good teachers, mind you) It is truly a wonderful advancement in the way we communicate. It stands to reason that some puzzle-pieces of history, science, culture, religion, ideas etc., will finally be allowed to be put together into a concise picture. That some truths would take until now to be seen (and more importantly, understood), is not really so suprising, considering the mountain of knowledge that is NOW available for those priviledged few, Us. These pages are devoted to NEW IDEAS. Specifically, a gathering of information relating to what it means to be a human being, today, on planet Earth, in this solar system, on the fringe of the Milky Way, in an every expanding (and speeding up in that expansion) Universe. The truths that follow will more than likely challenge previously held beliefs. At least that's the point.

