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Jeremiah <<April 18, 2003 12:08 AM>>


I'm going to be helping steve in his quest to make the crew site the coolest site in the galaxy. Yes, with modern technology, I'm going to make sure that this website has the most awesomest layouts at steve's request. Of course, I'm not really gonna originate the layouts--I'm just going to convert steve's ideas to reality! I TAKE CREDIT FOR ACTUALLY SIGNING UP TO ANGELFIRE!

Steve <<April 17, 2003 10:44 PM>>


Welcome back. This site was down forever and everyone was being far too lazy to actually

DO something with this piece of crap. So, like Jesus once did, I have kicked major ass and used my runic

powers to kick start this site. If you are like me, you will basically visit this site when you are bored, or feel

like reading something that makes fun of retards. In the ensuing time this site is up, I will make it my goal to give you

something worth reading at LEAST once a week. Whoever you are.

Thusly, the site begins anew.