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Of Economics and Men

Eonomic Theory of Progress
To become agriculturalized would mean:
(1) We would be better prepared to feed our hungry.
(2) We would be more resourceful
(3) We would be less dependent on technology
Problem: Resourceful countries get picked on
To become more resourceful(agriculturalized) would require (1) more land area to produce this on and (2) more people to produce this wide array of necessities. Less people would equal less workforce to accomplish this. The nation or nations in charge of the world will always lean toward imperialism. If we are not in charge, who will be?
In order to avoid being attacked for resources we must be rich and powerful. No matter how resourceul we are, we will never have any power if we are not rich. We are a Western based country, the rest of the world is not. Do we really want them in charge. China, North Korea, Etc.
Why big spending and big business? Open market promotes ideas and competition. The U.S. has a good open market. This cascades over to our military. Night vision is a good example of such an effect. Question: Why not produce a great army off of other's markets? Where would the funds come from? This would also present a problem in regards to a militia's ability to uprise against our government.

Trickle Effect
Money is dispersed to all through big business. This is the best scenario (a.k.a. republican) for promoting the afore mentioned and preeminent plan of economic progress. Promoting small spending leads to small everything. This includes spending and technology.

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