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Matches & Ranks
DPB Beta 1.1
DPB Beta 2.0
Update 2.1

 The Turn Around   -   SocialisticCrime   -  July 8th 2003
***The Turn Around   -   SocialisticCrime   -  July 8th 2003

Well everyone, the last month or so has been odd, with TeamUK switching their name to Personal Vendetta, and then JungleLARRY leaving us to soon follow up was the fall of Pv. And now, with the help of Fugitive, Outlaw, and SocialisticCrime, TeamUK is now reinstated. We will be openly recruiting to get probably 12-15 members. Old members are more then welcome to come try out, there will be no walk-ons however. Peace out.

***New Name   -   SocialisticCrime   -  May 15th 2003

It has come to our attention that TeamUK is too long of a name. So of course, we are changing it. Below is a a box that you can type whatever name you think we should have in. Every time a name is given to me, I will put it on a poll, the poll will be put up after we have 10 suggestions. Another thing is we could just change our tag. So if you think we should keep TeamUK and just change the tag, then type NO CHANGE in the box. The first box is for the name, and 2nd box is for the tag. Read the marquee on this page.




***Join TeamUK   -   SocialisticCrime   -  May 10th 2003

I have just added a new page called Join TeamUK which is a form that people are able to fill out if they wish to join TeamUK. Of course not everyone that fills it out will be able to join, but hopefully depending on the information they provide we will be able to have a list of players that are willing to join if we are ever short, or if they are good we can try them out. So for the people here to fill out the form, fill it out. The link is on the

***Match Win   -   SocialisticCrime   -  May 1st 2003

Check out the Matches & Ranks page for info on TeamUK's win tonight. Also I would like to make sure everyone knows that we will have a set time for practice everyday. It is not mandatory, but it gives you a time to know that other TUK members will be on our server. As of now it will be everyday at 8 PM est. Our main practice is on Sunday in which we will lock the server and only TUK will practice.

***Map Release   -   SocialisticCrime   -  April 30th 2003

Sorry about the delay in updates, but all of my time online has been spent working on the map. After about 2 weeks of trial and error, I finally got stuff down, and the map came together. If you want the map please email me, and once I figure out how to put it on the site it will be located under Downloads off to the left. I also sent out an email to everyone asking them to reply and tell weather they are still in TeamUK or not, and to check out the site. This was only to update roster so don't have any worries. We have a match tomorrow (Thursday) for the XPL. Good luck boys. The map has had lighting problems which are very close to being fixed. If you have a good graphics card you might not see the problems, but if you don't then you will only be able to see about half of the map at one time. =(       I am working hard to get it fixed, but since this is my first map things are going slow.

***Site Disappointment   -   SocialisticCrime   -  April 4th 2003

After about a month, Phantom finally released our new site. If you want to check it out, the site is located here.

Now the main point of this article, was to say nice work on the site Phantom, but we were expecting more. I am not trying to be mean in any way, but we plan on making this our website until a better one is produced. Also we will be posting teams shortly. They will be located to the right of this box.

***New Site   -   SocialisticCrime   -   March 16th 2003

The new site is finally up and running. This one is better then the last, but still far from perfection. Larry is also making a site, so we will pick which one is better and then keep that as our site.

We have been trying to set up scrimmages with Dye lately, but no one has been showing up for them when we have them.

If you have any skills for building sites, such as making gif files, or creating nice looking formats, please tell me.

Social's Gun
OK, I currently have my gun for sale ( if you want to buy it, tell me. BUT, I want to buy a new gun, I want either a Smart Parts Impulse, or an ICD Bushmaster BKO, what should I buy!! I'm leaning towards a smart parts impulse. Leave comments on message board! Link is to the left....

Team UK
Team Unknown Killers (TeamUK) is a digital paintball based clan. We consist of between 10-20 members depending on the day. We also branch out into the other HL mod CS. The clan was started in early January be me (Socialistic Crime) and my friend John (Black Knight). Since then, TeamUK has had a change of leaders and a very intense time of recruiting for active players, and booting of non-actives. The new clan leader is JungleLARRY, and I am now the CO-Leader. If you have any suggestions for the site, or any comments or question just email me at or message me via AIM (gunzrtoyz) or msn messenger. Leaders AIM name as follows:

Socialistic Crime - GuNzRtOyZ
JungleLARRY- JungleLarry9876


TeamUK Server
We now have a dedicated server. It isn't the best, but it is running on T1 and is ours!!! Larry is also trying at the moment to get us another server which will be faster. If everyone can pay like a month we can get a dedicated that is fast. Or if we kill my dad =) . Also we will eventually be on the League Server hosted by FragLive.

Team UK Server:


IRC: dpb-teamuk   Email Team UK: mail       

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