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University of strathclyde, glasgow

department of marketing                                                                                        


Airline Survey

 This survey is aimed at identifying the underlying issues affecting customer loyalty for the airline industry. This information is being collected for a Masters dissertation at the University of Strathclyde. The survey should take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

Your completed survey is instrumental for accurately reporting results for this Masters Dissertation project.

*** All responses are strictly confidential and submitted anonymously ***

  1. Have you travelled with Singapore Airlines before?

          Yes        No   

          (If No, please proceed to Q5)


  1. What is your main reason for travelling?

    Business       Leisure       Others                     


  1. How many trips have you made with Singapore Airlines for the past 12 months?
          Please provide a rough estimation

          0 to 4        1 to 5        6 to 10        11 to 15        16 to 20        21 or more   


  1. What class of service do you normally fly with Singapore Airlines?

     First class       Business class      Economy class  

          (Please proceed to Q9)


5 This section measures your overall EXPERIENCE of Singapore Airlines. Please answer on a  

         scale from 1 (Strongly Disagree with the statement) to 7 (Strongly Agree).



 I believe that:

Strongly Disagree                           Strongly Agree

      1 ........ 2.........3......... 4..........5..........6.........7

a) Singapore Airlines has modern looking aircrafts and up to date equipment on crafts.


b)   The physical facilities of Singapore Airlines e.g the interior of the cabins are visually appealing.


c) The employees of Singapore Airlines appear neat.


d) When Singapore Airlines promises to do something at a certain time, it will do so.


e) The employees of Singapore Airlines are always willing to help passengers and provide prompt service to them.


f)   I believe that the employees of Singapore Airlines are never be too busy to respond to passengers’ requests.                                          
g) The behaviour of employees of Singapore Airlines instills confidence in passengers.                                          
h) The employees of Singapore Airlines are consistently polite with passengers.                                          
i) The employees of Singapore Airlines have the knowledge to answer passengers’ requests.                                          
j) I am willing to pay a premium for the services that an excellent airline will provide according to my expectations.                                           
k) I attach great importance in flying with the right airline.                                          
l) The airline I fly with conveys the type of person I am.



 6.   Based on your above perceptions How satisfied will you be if you had flown on Singapore Airlines before?

     Very satisfied                        Neutral                                    Very dissatisfied    

     Somewhat satisfied               Somewhat dissatisfied  


7.   Based on your above perceptions, how likely will you recommend this airline to others?

     Definitely                          Unsure                              Definitely not           

     Probably not                      Probably                          


8. I consider myself a loyal patron of  ______ airlines.

Please list the top three preferred airlines


   1.      _________________________


2.      _________________________


3.      _________________________

 (Please proceed on to Q18)


9 This section measures your overall EXPERIENCE of Singapore Airlines. Please answer on a  

         scale from 1 (Strongly Disagree with the statement) to 7 (Strongly Agree).


   How much do you agree that: Strongly Disagree                           Strongly Agree

      1 ........ 2.........3......... 4..........5..........6.........7

a. The physical facilities and aircraft of Singapore Airlines appear to be more in keeping with their type of service.


b. Singapore Airlines has physical facilities that are visually appealing i.e. interior of the aircraft.                                          
c. The employees of Singapore Airlines appear neater than those of other airlines.                                          
d. Singapore Airlines provides its services at the time it promises to do so.                                          
e. Singapore Airlines have employees who provide prompt service and are willing to help passengers.                                          
f. Compared to other carriers, employees at Singapore Airlines are never too busy to respond to passengers’ requests promptly.                                          
g. You can trust the employees of Singapore Airlines more than those of other airlines.                                          
h. Have employees who are constantly courteous with passengers.                                          
i. Have employees who have the knowledge to answer passengers’ questions.                                          
j. Singapore Airlines provide a service that is worth paying for                                          


10. How would you rate the overall journey experience with Singapore Airlines?

      Excellent                  Okay                          Terrible           

      Good                       Poor                


11. How was the experience with this airline compared with your expectations?

      Much better                           About the same                  Much worse    

      Somewhat better                   Somewhat worse     


12. What is your overall level of satisfaction with Singapore Airlines?

       Very satisfied                      Neutral                                 Very dissatisfied     

       Somewhat satisfied            Somewhat dissatisfied    


13. How likely would you fly with this airline again?

      Definitely                                    Unsure                        Definitely not         

      Probably not                               Probably         


14. How likely would you to recommend this airline to others?

      Definitely                                    Unsure                        Definitely not         

      Probably not                               Probably         


15. Compared with other airlines, would you say that the quality of service you receive  

      from Singapore Airlines is:

      Much better                            About the same                  Much worse    

      Somewhat better                    Somewhat worse      


16. How would you like to rate this flight in terms of value for money?

      Excellent                  Okay                         Terrible        

      Good                      Poor             


17. Are you a member of any frequent flyer programme?

      Yes      No  

      If yes, which are those? _________________________________________________


This section contains questions pertaining to general statistics about yourself.


18. What is your gender?

      Male      Female         


19. Which age group do you belong to?

       Under 18          25 to 34         45 to 54        Over 65  

       18 to 24           35 to 44        55 to 64    


20. What is your occupation?

       Senior Management                             

       Middle management/Professional          

       Skilled manual worker                          

       Semi skilled/unskilled worker                


       Not working                                        


       Others ________________________________


21. What is your highest qualification?

      Postgraduate Degree/Diploma                

      Bachelor Degree                                    


      High School                                           

      Professional Certificates                         


     Others _____________________________


22. In which region is your nationality based?

      Africa                                      Asia                            Pacific/Australasia     

      North America                        Europe                  

      South America                      Middle East      


 Thank you for your participation in our survey.