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Jun 18 12:02PM

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Member list
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Other content:
Terms & Conditions
Become an Admin
Win a Staff !!
What are the Staffs
Reffer to GeeKings
Club Goals
Bat Catch Tips
Space Invasion Tips
Shop Guild
Who is the most active?
Item Gallery
Which Geek Are you?
Which Item are you?
Site of the week


- Become an Admin -

To increase your rank in the club you must do a series of things. Each one harder than the one before but each one gets you a higher rank. There is only 1 rule for doing these tasks. You have to do them in order from the first task to the last task. Here is the list of what the jobs are.

  • Job 1: Donate 100 GL to the shop, refer 3 people and send us some Balloons (to become an official member)
  • Job 2: Donate 400 GL to the shop, refer 6 people and send us a Cellphone (to become a senior member)
  • Job 3: Donate 1000 GL to the shop, refer 12 people and send us a Geeksville Story (to become a mod)
  • Job 4: Donate 3000 GL to the shop, refer 20 people and send us a Computer (to become co-admin)

Well, now you know you can get buying items and saving your GL so we will leave you now to do those jobs. If you complete all of the jobs we might add more. The more jobs you do, the higher your rank, and the more things you can do for the site! If you finish all jobs, you get admin as rank, so get going. Mail us either on this site or on The Geeksite you have any questions.