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 Special Soft Heart 

We are all angels in disguse. 

We are put here to earn our wings. 

God will guide us along if we need it.

Blessed are those who can give 

without remembering 

and take without forgetting!

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Erotic Story

Words from Special's Soft Heart and Soul


Looking For You

I look at the stars and I see his eyes how they would glaze upon me.
I look at the sun and feel his warmth.
I look at the moon and see visions of us together at last.
I look at the river and see a reflection of him upon me.
I look into my heart looking for true love.
tell me could this be you?


I lost you with out a warning.
I lost you with out a chance of saying goodbye.
For the greatest lost was losing you.
A day of silence, a day of sadness for the day you passed away.
Now, all I have is memories of you.
For when you went away I was mad at you for leaving me.
ThenI started to feel it was all my fault you went away.
For the lost of you I also lost a part of me.
For the ache I have in my heart for the lost.
No matter how many years gone by
you still are not forgotten by the ones you touched
and remembered by my heart with love.

For Richard Alan Paul (my brother)

A Gift

Here is a gift from me to you
it is not one that can be seen,
but is felt with the heart. 
For friendship and family is a treasure within itself.
For this gift, is one you can pen everyday of every year and not just on holidays.
For a gift is not what you buy, it is what you give.
For this gift, I give to you with all my heart,
to be opened  and shared with all.
For it only takes a moment to tell someone you truly care.
I  have received another gift today, for me to write this for you to read.


One life will be born into this world how that life will light up someone's eye.
One child full of  questions and innocence of their own.
One person full of hopes and dreams.
How one goal is what they seek.
For one day to find true love within their reach.
For a vision full of dreams under 
the stars making a wish from the heart.
For one soul to touch another, to remain one above it all,
to stand and remember after one is gone.

Thoughts Of You

Thoughts of you flow through my head and I do not need to try hard.
For thoughts of you come easily to me and bring a smile or laughter to my day.
Thoughts of you just make my day when out of the blue a thought of you appears.
What a wonderful thing to do is having a thought about you!
Thinking of you now and always
F for you have truly touched my heart!
For: all my friends who made me smile or laugh - Thank You!


I dream at night of a lovely vision of a wonderful place where anything is possible. 
Where things seem so peaceful and beautiful.
A place where you are as light as a feather and can walk on the clouds.
A place where you can actually slide down a  rainbow.
A place where you can touch the stars and dance in the light of the stars.
A place where you can go to the moon and be in it's spot light.
A vision of endless and countless things you can do as soon as you open the door.
A place where you can promise the moon, the stars and all your hearts desires.
A place to see who your heart will find to love.
Where your heart is complete finding that special someone to love.
A place where once upon a time and happy ever after always come to you.
A place where your wishes and dreams would come true. 
A vision of lovely wonderful things of a place where the door is always open.
A place where you know you are always welcome and wanted.


When it gets dark they start to glow in the sky way up high.
They sparkle with such a glow in the sky.
Then how one steps to make a wish on that star, hoping it will come true.
Take a look, see how beautiful they are!
When one takes notice and realizes how wonderful these things can be.
How beauty surrounds us day and night.
For if you look and see the glory of the blue skies, white clouds and ever green trees.
For this is all beautiful to me!
So, as you make a wish,
see how beautiful they blaze so high in the sky
and maybe one day your wish you made from that star will come true!

Simple Things

Seeing the way a smile can light up your day.
Hearing the sound of laughter of the one you will love
For one day to hear someone say " I love you" or to hear someone say " I miss you"
The simple things that can touch the heart.
Just spending time with a friend or family enjoying the moment.
See the beauty a flower brings or watching the wind blow the leaves. 
Hearing from a friend or reading a letter they wrote.
How the words touch your heart.
The beauty of the simple of things that come our way.
Thinking about a friend or family when you are down and out.
How in that moment you are lost in thought and suddenly find yourself smiling.
Wondering about someone -
How they are or what they are doing at the moment,
you are wondering about them.
How a simple e-mail or a joke can sometimes make your day better
how it lifts your sprits knowing you were thought of for that day.
When someone goes out of their way to show you how much you mean to them.
By, sending you something your way in the mail!
When you feel alone or feel like nobody understands.
All of the sudden their is someone showing you they 
care and understand you and you do not feel so alone.
When things get real hard and frosting for you
and all the sudden you find your self pushing someone you care about away.
Saying mean things like: Leave me alone,
I do not want to talk to you no more, and I hate you.
There is always a friend to show you
no matter what you say or do they stay and be your friend
The simplest of things to me are worth more than anything!
For touching someone's heart is priceless!

A Dream

You appear to me out of the shadows and slowly approach me. I hear you say," You are more lovelier than the night and more beautiful than the stars" A smile comes across my face as I hear you say this to me and without having to say a word, just happy to see you have brought a smile to my face :) You take out some champagne that you have brought along with you and ask me if I would like to have a toast. As you see the sparkles in my eyes you know my answer.

We proceed to go to one of the tables that is there and have our toast. You then say, " To us, for love, may our faith and destiny make our paths across one another and for us never to wake up."

After the toast you ask me for a dance and again without need an answer from me you take my hand gently and we dance under the stars without needing any music just the sound of our heart beats. Holding one another close and how our bodies are pressed up against each other.

After our dance you whisper is my ear "Follow me, my love" You've blindfolded my eyes so I do not see where we are going. Upon opening the the door I see a room full of candle lights and I hear soft music

Once again we have another dance and this time with music. After our dance we head for the nice soft bed and have a seat and face each other looking into each other's eyes. Knowing that this is the moment we been waiting so long for. A sweet kiss upon each other lips and within that kiss we feel a warmth and sparks start to fly.

We know that tonight is our night to make love with one another. Knowing now that we have found each other, we will never ever know the meaning of the word alone again.

Once our lips touch it is so hard not to want to kiss your sweet soft lips again and wanting to feel the warmth of your skin against mine. Your kisses over welcome me and I can never get enough of you wanting you more and more. Feeling the heat our our kisses build and we get hotter you start to undress my slowly unzipping my dress and slip it off over my shoulders and letting it drop to the floor. Revealing my nakedness to your eyes. Knowing that when we make love our hearts and souls will connect and a dream will no longer be a dream it will become a wonderful reality!

Looking for my soulmate who I know is out there somewhere.

More Special Soft Heart Collage 1         Collage 2         Erotic Story

More pics, prose and poetry coming soon.

You can contact me on ICQ . My number is 28884616
or on hotmail at