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Happier Times
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My Soulmate

I am just one small person in this enormous world.
But I believe everyone has a soulmate.
And mine was Shirley.
I loved her more than life itself.
My greatest desire was to make her happy.
But... I made a mistake,A wrong choice if you will.
I lost her.
Now I have straightened my life up and realize what is most important to me.
She is!!!
I am in the process of trying to win her love back again.
I know she still loves me.
But she has trouble getting past what I did in the past!
So I dedicate this page to a symbol of my undying love for her.
This site is also dedicated to all those who have made mistakes in their lives
and are trying to find or rekindle that lost love for their soulmate.

Click to Read Soulmate Poem