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Welcome to the Unofficial Site

Of falkirks music scene

Check out the site for Zero Hour Gig Listings, Misfits & Local Bands News. Also the Punter Of The Month section on the peeps page as well as pictures and links and please feel free to use our forums, cheers...UFK dude

Latest News From UFK : We regret to inform you that Zero Hour is now finished people, it seems a severe lack of support by people has caused it to go under, which is sad for us who actually went and enjoyed ourselves every week, please if you can go along on the 20th to there last night which will be a DJ night and show some respect to the lads who ran it, respect which they truly deserve ----- In other news Spitroast have recently got back together and you can visit them at ----- Thats all for now people, of course you know to keep checking the Misfits page for any news i get from Malc or Rab.....Adios Amigos