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:: Asian Rap!::

This is my hate list, Its not to be racist
Juss to be face to face wit two monkey faced bitches
Duong and Lan you can face my hand...smack you fast
So u can kiss my ass, once time has past
Ill awaken these Caucasians with a kung pow chicken
Fingers are lickin, so there is no re-sis-tin'
I'll lite a fire and kick it at em, flick it at em This is an a-sian diss-in
Eminem, Slim Shady, tha dude hu thinks he's been a lady
He's useless lyk Mr. Seamin who ran outta seman
Fo' he gave birth to the other Seaman
I play lotta lotto, PLAYIN LOTTO
is my motto, play for two dolla's tomoro
Im not too shallow so ill play for a while
I do one thing on tha intanet
it is wut i do best downloadin Tila,
tha hottest, nicest, girl to come to my world,
I need to get her of my screen fo' i hurl
If u kno wut i mean.....Leav you a word
or two, fo i leav, and die, its y must u eat and lie?
I got to cuz I got 2 bitchs, slim, and a dickless
afta me my life...hate all whites...not nice yet not right!












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