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Star's Page should be of interest to all of you Cat Lovers out there. Even if you don't love the critters you should check out the page and you might just learn a thing or two.

The Calendar is provided for you to post those special occassions you would like people to know about. Birthdays, anniversaries, family reunions, graduations, etc. To submit your entries you can use the link on the calendar page or you can click here. Under normal circumstances, the information should be posted within 24 hours. Usually within a few hours but I work some crazy hours. You will be notified by e-mail when the posting is made. I do take special requests for these events and will do my best to give you what you want within reason.

Links - Links to Homepages of family and friends. Interesting things and places. Play Games. Download sites for software and utilities. Some good informational sites if you are interested in web design/development, java, javascript, PERL.

The Gallery - Photos of family, friends and pets. What I have posted right now are old and will be adding new galleries soon. You are welcome to send me your photos to include in your own gallery here.

About Us - I'll try to get this page finished one of these days - lol. The most important item on this page is the link to some of the resources I have found on information about cancer. My searches were mainly confined to Squamous Cell Cancer of the Head and Neck but there is a lot of information for other types of cancer too.

Buckeye Lake - View aerial photo of the Buckeye Lake Region with an enlargment of the Fairfield Beach area where our house is located. There is also a little bit of the history of the region on this page.

Palace or Prison  is a poem written and sent to me by my nephew, Harmon E. Pierce, better known as H.E.. I thought I would share this one with you. You can read much more of his work in the Poetry section on the Links page, along with works by my sister Faye Pierce. Their work is also listed on . If you like his work, please let him know by sending him an email.

Comments - If you have any comments about this site, I welcome your feedback. Did you find it interesting or helpful? Do you have any suggestions for additional content or have a link that you would like to see posed here? Your comments are very important. They help to develope the site to serve you better. Good or bad, we need your thoughts. Click here to send your comments.