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  May 27, 2003 -
Nothing Yet Nothing by No one
  May 28, 2003 -
Flash games Flash by various

Misc crap no one cares about ...

I hope the Dallas Cowboys don't suck next season. I may have to start cheering for the Texans
I'm a big Mav's fan I hope they win over the Spurs, I'm really glad that it's going to be Texas either way,
but I hope the Mav's win it.
If you don't like it... I don't care. Also, tomorrow I'll uploaded some games. You have to click on Flash under the Games section of the Navigation menu.

Posted by Eric on Wednesday, 5/27/2003 @ 4:47p
» Stats: Site still in Progress

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I just uploaded the
flash games page, so
play on!
scroll up or down

This is where the Poll will be.

Test 1
Test 2
Test 3

show results - (not finished)

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