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Hi my name is Melinda McDonald-Cueny. I am 29 years old. Here are some of my music clips. Just click and let the music take you away. I apologize for the slight background noise and quality of recording. But please still enjoy. They are full songs so they may take a little while to download. Thank you. All these songs are my own renditions.

This is called Mio Bambino.

<bgsound src="mio_bambino1.wav">

Morag an old Scottish piece.

<bgsound src="Morag9Definitelyakeeperforcd.wav">

Wedding Tarantella

<bgsound src="Wedding_Tarantella.wav">

Chapel Keithack another Scottish Piece.

<bgsound src="chapel_Keithack.wav">

Fascination a solo classical, pop piece.

<bgsound src="fascination.wav">

Hi I hope you find everything you are looking for. I have been performing for 22 odd years on and off stage. I first started out playing the violin at age 7 1/2. Classical music gave me the foundation to further my career and to aid in self taught studies. I proceeded to teach myself, Bluegrass, Scottish, and a whole host of other kinds of music. Growing up just next door to a Bluegrass festival taught me how to interact with others and to pick up music by ear. I perform for weddings, parties, and more. I also teach. If you are still interested in more go to my Melinda the violinist page. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Art and have had many years of experience so sit back and enjoy. I do artwork in many categories, I do paintings with acrylics and watercolors, I use pastels, oil sticks, pencil, and many other techniques including pen and ink. I have an art gallery for artwork that I have done and am currently doing more works for you to enjoy. If You are going to use any of my images on your sites please put a link back to my page. All the artwork on the next few pages is created by me. In a few small cases I reproduced images from other artists but put in my own little differences. Please be sure to tell others about this site. Thank you.Any suggestions? Contact me and I will see if I can make them happen.

Thank You For Stopping Please Take A Look At My Art Gallery And Portrait Studio
