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RYAN APTHORP - The Hidden Genius

Who is Ryan Apthorp? Well aside from his somewhat glamorous and exciting position as my attorney, he is also one of Canada's most preeminent thinkers and speakers. Ryan is, of course, first and foremost my friend, but more often than not he is also my inspiration and motivation. Ryan Apthorp is a writer, a celebrity attorney, a public speaker, a fan of correspondence, a winner, a sports fan, and a political commentator/activist. In this web page, which in our modern society seems to have replaced the autobiography, you will read of Ryan Apthorp's brilliance. Thank-you (and buy my new record - Songs for Absent Friends - from iMAGINARY rECORDS) Mr. David Hayes - March 2003

What is on the site...

Who is Ryan Apthorp
client list
Photo's of Dave's video shoot for
The story of Troy's Bucket....
