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Rune$cap3 hacks

THis Is A Rune$cap3 hack site ... due to jagkex would ban this website from use due to illegal operation. BU i copyrited the name Rune$scp3 so these hacks aqre completly leagl :)..

SOme Of the things involse...

Duping- 1.drop your rune2hand or rune long

2.then click this link (warnging do not click unless item is dropped due to editn your rs window would create problems with your acct)editing your rs window to edit the item rune 2 hand code or rune long

Account Editing-

your account on rs must be at least 3 months old,and must not but longer then 1 year old due to how far it is in the database of rs .

Just Submmit your rs name and pw here