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RP: # ?   RECORD: 01 - 02- 00 NEXT MATCH: vs. Enigma

TITLES/AWARDS: XWM3 HC Title (x2) XWM3 Chaos Title (x1)

The Legend
The Icon

the scene opens up with JR and the King speaking at ringside, currently about the Jonny Cash vs Engima match at chain reaction 2 ... and a dew other things

Jim Ross: i'm telling you king, Enimga is a new man, reborn, and I think he's going to run over cash like he was nothing... Enigma is back and this time it's for good

Jerry Lawler: that's where you're wrong JR, how many times has enigma left, returned, left, and returned? and always said the same thing... this time i'm back for good... cash has only done that once, and in my mind he had good reason, but I think Cash is really gonna prove to be the real legend in this match

Jim Ross: well it is sort of fitting that they are both legends, and now they are facing off in the most legendary structure to ever grace a wrestling ring, and that is many tons of steel, that folks, is the Hell in a Cell, and keep in mind, Jonny Cash requested this, he requested the total carnage that goes along with this match

Jerry Lawler: you've got that right, I couldn't think of a more fitting enviroment for a Jonny Cash, Enigma encounter... both these guys want to get back on top of the game, and an amazing performance here could propel them to levels never reached before... a match like this could go down in the history books, especially between egos like Enigma and Cash

Jim Ross: well both men strive to be the best at what they so, and they do a damn good job of it... Enigma was just out here recently telling the world what he thought about the match up... I wonder...

all of a sudden "Bring me To Life" hits the loudspeakers and the fans explode in anticipation for Enigma

Jim Ross: well it looks like we'll be hearing from Engima right now...

then from behind the curtains comes Jonny Cash laughing and the cheering almost instantaniously dies down, and turns to incredible booing

Jim Ross: well that's sure as hell not Enigma

Jerry Lawler: aww, what a shame huh JR? haha

cash is dressed up gear nearly identical to Enigma's, silk shirt, black pants, dark sunglasses... he has a mic with him as he slowly walks down the ramp doing his best Engima impession, slightly exagerated of course... he reaches out to the fans, but pulls his hands away real fast with a cocky grin... he makes his way to the ring, and gets in... then he goes to speak, but then soaks up the scenery for a moment then begins to speak... in his best Engima voice

Jonny Cash: Enigma... came out here, running his mouth some more, like the pansy little jackass he is, no doubt, he is the biggest loser in xwm hisory, and on SUNDAY night!, chain reaction two, Cash and Enigma, one on one, 'legend vs. loser' me being the legend of course, and me proving that the cashman is everything ENIGMA will NEVER be!! haha

he ends the engima impression

ok, now in all seriousness, I did come out here to make a point, and that point was of course to show enigma like how much of a jackass he looks like coming out here... talkin' like he's something else... heh. Enigma, you act as if you're something special, like you have something the cashman doesn't, like you can bring the XWM to new heights, and all that bs, and you say, all YOU heard when MOI came out here was a bunch of horse crap? you LOOK like a pile of horse crap enigma, but I don't go running around preaching it to everybody... I heard that you don't care that this sunday we're going to be fighting in a Hell in a Cell, biggest match ever, with Engima and Cash thrown into the mix, well let me tell you man, this coming sunday, you will care! you will realize what you have gotten youself into, and I will show you that by every little last piece of crap you have talked to me has only dug you in deeper, sinking you into a black abyss that you will never be able to get out of, and that will be my reason for kicking your ass like I have never kicked ass before... you are going to go out there looking towards to future Enigma, trying to prove a point, trying to prove that you are the best and that it doesn't matter what you have done before, but what matters... is what you are going to do... I couldn't agree with you more Engima... that is the exact same thing I wanted! i've wanted this match for awhile, the match to end all matches, the match to show which one of us should go down in the history books, not as a decent wrestler, not as a guy that electrified each and every night, but THE guy, THE man! the one that everyone came to see, the Icon, and Engima, I will be that man, I will show you and everyone else that I am that man, and you just haven't realized it yet... it's my destuny to become the best this business has ever seen, and since these fans tend to think that you're that man, I am going to show them the grave mistake they have all made, and I am going to do it by destroying you Engima, by any means nesscary, and don't think that I won't go to any lengths, and I do mean ANY, to prove that! this match obviously isn't about gold, it isn't about being on top really even, but it's about pride, and I won't let my pride be broken... I will fight until my head is cut open, my back is broken, I don't care, I will stop at nothing, and I hope you will do the same, because Enigma, I would have it no other way! now I hope you realize whether I win or lose, even if you get that arm over me for the three count, this match won't be going down lightly, this match will be set in stone as the most terrifying, most brutal, dangerous, death defying match, in history, and I hope you agree with me because, now Enigma, i'm going to do something you wouldn't expect, I'm going to ask a favor of you... and i'm cutting all the crap, all the trash talk, all the nonsense, fan support, all of it, and i'm asking you, man to man, will you help me make this the greatest match in XWM HISTORY?! i'm waiting for your answer Enigma, so come out, and be a man, step in this ring, look me in the eye, and give me your answer... I wanna hear it straight from you, come on...

Jim Ross: well is looks like Cash wants Enigma to come out and give him an answer... quite a respectable act from the cashman...

Hit The Jackpot: Shade(x1) Enigma(x1)

Past E-Fed Achievments XWM2 Chaos Championship, CCW Chaos Championship, CCW Hardcore Champion, PWF Hardcore Championship(x3), PWF Chaos Champion, PWF Chaos-X Champion, PWF Intercontinental Chamion, PWF Undisputed Champion