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Another Web Page ... You must be Special!!!

So this is it! Hey Renee! Where do I begin? I can’t believe that this day has arrived. We’ve talked about it for so long, but it’s now here. So while you cleaned the air with Sunday’s talk, I’ve decided to do a bit of cleaning myself. Firstly, I can’t begin to explain how proud I am of you. This year has been a very challenging and emotionally draining year for you. For the first time since I met you, our relationship problems overcame our friendship responsibilities (or at least mine to you). I’m truly sorry I couldn’t be there to help you through your difficult times. Yet, you’ve survived and I’d like to think that (as always) our friendship has survived as well. Secondly, this trip to Uganda will be a changing moment in your life. I’m sure of that. You’ve always wanted to have a skill and do something practical rather than writing papers and examinations. Although I’ve always believed you’re one of the most skilled and ambitious people I know, this trip will provide you with a great opportunity to ‘make a difference’. Although you’re going to have some difficulties throughout the next few months … I just know that you’ll shine. Thirdly, in terms of us, I need you to know that despite our difficult moments, I’m closer to nobody else in this universe. You know more about me than anyone … and that’s actually kind of scary!!! I need you to know that no matter where we end up, I will never forget the positive moments, the laughs, the tears, the dancing, the hugs, the lazy Sunday mornings, the butterfly feelings, the long chats, and the last stretch of highway between Toronto and Kingston. You are truly unique and regardless of where our paths take us, nobody will ever replace you. These years have not been a waste to me. I’ve learned so much from you and I need you to believe it. I’ve changed in so many ways for the better … and I have you to thank for that. Who knows what the future holds? No, seriously, do you know somebody who knows so I can take a sneak peak!!! All I do know is that you are eternally etched into my heart and that the universe is unfolding as it should. In the meantime, we both need to take some time and find out a lot more about ourselves as individuals. We’ve been very busy on solidifying a relationship that we sometimes forget that we are individuals with different needs and ambitions. I think it’s time we find out what they are … don’t you? You are a friend and a life-long one. Nobody can ever take away what we had and I hope I know you all my life. I want you to feel successful; I want you to be happy; I want you to be complete. If you ever feel that this is impossible, I want you to know that I truly believe in you. You are Renee: someone I respect, admire, and love. Best of luck!