">"> Digga Dollz RAYANN, HIJAZIS, WEBSITE"><META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Me, my, family, and, everyone"> <NOFRAMES>hey there, if you are reading this, then your browser does not support frames. i would really like you to see my page, but a no frames page is a lot of extra work. so what i will do is put up a no frames version, it will take some time, but i think i can manage. <b>but</b> there is one thing that has to happen. i need at least 230 people the <A HREF="mailto:luvmilocs@yahoo.comsubject=where is the no frames version&body=hey digga, please put up a no frames version of your site. thanx, a dollluva">click here</A> and when i get what i need i will put up a no frames version. thanx much "> <NOFRAMES>hey there, if you are reading this, then your browser does not support frames. "><META NAME="description" CONTENT="</FRAMESET hello im rayann>"></HEAD> <frameset ROWS="15%,*" BORDER=0 FRAMEBORDER=0 MARGINHEIGHT="1"> <frame SRC="nav.html" NAME="nav" SCROLLING=NO> <frame SRC="startpage.html" NAME="con" SCROLLING=YES> </FRAMESET> <NOFRAMES>hey there, if you are reading this, then your browser does not support frames. i would really like you to see my page, but a no frames page is a lot of extra work. so what i will do is put up a no frames version, it will take some time, but i think i can manage. <b>but</b> there is one thing that has to happen. i need at least 230 people the <A HREF="mailto:luvmilocs@yahoo.comsubject=where is the no frames version&body=hey digga, please put up a no frames version of your site. thanx, a dollluva">click here</A> and when i get what i need i will put up a no frames version. thanx much </HTML> "></HEAD> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" alink="#800080" vlink="#ff0000"><!--'"-->
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