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Vampire's Sanctuary

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Scratchcard & Guild Raffle Shops

Prize Vault

Mail Me

I. chriso25
II. greekgirl4444
III. punksk8ter48
IV. sneezeweed
V. Apply For Position

Vampire's Sanctuary Guild Website.

Welcome to the Vampire's Sanctuary Guild Website.
Welcome to The Sanctuary of the Immortals. Members can communicate with me, and with each other on issues relating to vampires and or any other dark things e.g. the supernatural, ghosts, myths and legends, the 'modern' Goth good or bad? Come join in on the fun and maybe learn something about Neopets too! We all help each other here.

Hello this is Dark Mistress of the Legion of Evil (greekgirl444) I am co-running a friendly rivalry with Satan of Satans Servants (punksk8ter48) Please choose which team you want to be in (and that will be your guild member name for a while. This is set up so we can do competitions and have friendly fun at the same time...Don't forget in spirit we are united...but now...heheh we are Neomail your chosen leader and send a 'friendly' commiseration mail to the opposition leader so we can keep record or post in the message board! Thankyou Dark Mistress. -greekgirl4444 Satan's Servants led by Satan (punksk8ter48) greekgirlsbro Legion of Darkness led by Dark Mistress (greekgirl4444) sneezeweed4689 blonde_rebel323

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