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The Health Policy Bullshit Generator

Writing a report for a PCT or StHA? Struggling to finish a Master's thesis? Applying for some Department of Health funding? Need some help with the jargon? Then look no further.....

The Health Policy Bullshit Generator will select verbs, adjectives and nouns for you at random, to save you the trouble of doing so yourself.

We would love to hear from you about your experiences of using the Bullshit Generator, especially if you can give us an example of slipping one of our randomly generated phrases into an official report. There are over 200,000 possible combinations. if you manage to use them all then you are probably working at the Modernisation Agency. Also please send us your favourite random phrases and suggestions for new additions to our database of policy jargon. Email or use the guestbook.

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And please remember, this is just a bit of fun.


To join the fun just press the button. Press as many times as you like to generate new phrases.



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