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We like to laugh at people, we especially like to laugh at stupid people, and in hell theres a lot of them. You've probably realised this site has no purpose and just serves to clog up the internet with mine and Marks opinions on just about anything we want to write about. If you dont like anything here, good, and if you do like stuff here, great, but chances are unless you want to give us money we dont care. Man were so damn hardcore.

-Steve - 8th August 03

--I hate this site, but i hope it continues to piss you off ----------------

-Steve - 1st August 03

--Stupid ungrateful superheros who ruin all my evil schemes---------

-Steve - 10th July 03

--Go! Mobile Destruction Force Go!--------------------------------------

-Mark - 8th July 03

--Thundercats - A good supply of childhood violence--------------------

-Mark - 4th July 03

--Successful party? Never fear Dr.Andy is here to fuck it up------------

-Mark - 28th June 03

--Who Invented Idiots?--------------------------------------------------------

-Steve - 22nd June 03

--The magical lead pipe..solver of all my 'problems'--------------------

-Steve - 18th June 03

--My Conceptual anaylysis of your problems = 'Shut the hell up..'--.-

-Steve - 17th June 03

--The 'Geek' or the 'Geezer,' which one are you?? Oh the suspense----

-Mark - 12th June 03

-Who invented the search engine? (More why don’t they make one that works)-


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© 2003 by Steve & Mark