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Welcome to my new site! I call it PopGarden. Please join visit the message board- PopGarden Message Board. I hope you like it! The Pokemon Nickname list I'm making a list of many different nicknames for pokmon. Have a look! I will update the list tomorrow. :)

Game Boy SP Review- I've seen the light...

The SP is superior to all the other Gameboys, at least thats what I feel. The GBA SP has its own backlight so it is easier to see in dark and in any sort of light. The older Gameboys would have to be played in broad daylight or under a bright light for you to be able to see exactly what is going on. Bright lights make one too hot. After playing Game boy for only a few hours, I find myself in a sweat. The SP makes GB playing more comfortable and with it you can notice some things you had not before. It is also a bit lighter than the other GBAs. The button layout is a bit different, but one can get used to it. Pictures coming soon! Read and post comments.


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