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about me
Sex: Female Species: Half real, half another's design Age: 19 Sign: Libra


- Baby Angel
- Enchanted Dreams

Bonus Material
fun with paintshop The real Moi
music for tripping James Iha loves you


Life within Qoutation:

"No, it's okay. Learn to enjoy losing."

Johnny Depp-
Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

Words, words, words
This is "Blog-ish" looking isn't it? I assure you though, this is isn't your typical site of personal mindless rants, oh no. This is my shameless way of getting exposure as a fresh, upcoming new dark fantasy writer. Welcome...publishers..< wishful thinking. Seriously though, to all you fellow writers/readers who have arrived here, I am honored to provide you your literary fetishes.

The real reason I write
Writing to me is my way of getting all those potentially dangerous idea's & fantasies out of my head and safely out amongst the world. Let them suffer..uh, I mean understand my thoughts for once. *Nervous teehee-ing*

Current Projects: Legions of the Mind
The three books 'Incarnate', 'Generation Eden', and 'Manic Manifestations' in the 'Legions of the Mind' series will be due soon after I'm finished setting up this site. I plan on developing them into interactive sites. Don't worry though, There will also be a physical copy of the series just in case you love it some much you want to buy it. (La la land is so pretty ^_^)

Now where it starts resembling a Blog
8/7/2003 I do believe some gloating is called for. Yea me!!!!!!! This site is actually up, I finished something.

layout created by Baby Angel from Enchanted Dreams
Site Copyrighted © 2003 Jillian Di