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Lost Without you By:Pan-Chan

Lost with out you: Chapter 1 Warning This story has Lemon in it. Please don’t be harsh; this is my first story with Lemon in it. Sorry if it’s sloppy or crony. Disclaimer:I do not own any of the DragonballZ characters!I just use them in my stories! “T-Trunks, I need to talk to you…” Pan stated nervously. She was 19 going on 20, and she was finally going to tell Trunks how she really felt about him. She had been holding it in for 7 full years, and she thought it was about time he knew. ‘Ok, here goes nothing...’ Pan thought to herself. “Sure Panny, what’s on your mind?” Trunks said smiling at the maturing young women. “Trunks, I…I love you, I mean I’ve loved you for a really long time and…” Trunks, who didn’t look very happy, suddenly cut off Pan. “Pan,” he started seriously “you don’t love me…I mean, you can’t love me, you’re too young to know what love is.” Trunks was staring at Pan coldly. Pan suddenly felt naked, like she was standing on a stage in front a whole bunch of greedy eyes. She was panicking, screaming out in her mind. What to do? What to say? How could he still think of her as that 13-year-old bratty child? She was older, mature, smarter…she knew what loves was, and who it was she loved. “Bu.. B-“ Pan began to say, but Trunks cut her off once again. He ignored the tears that, without any warning, started streaming down her face. “No…I don’t believe you Panny…” Trunks said turning his face. Pan’s tears came faster after his last words, she shook her head slightly, putting her hands in her hands and sobbed. She turned and ran in a blur. As she ran down the steps, Goten and Bra looked up from the movie they all had been watching. They wondered why Trunks and Pan had taken so long to come back downstairs; they were missing the best parts of the movie. They were suddenly even more worried. Pan ran out the front door of the Capsule Co. and shot into the sky in a blind fury. Trunks ran to the top of the stairs, but he was too late…Pan was gone, and she was to leave to go to the states tomorrow. She was going to New York to become a lawyer. Goten, Pan’s uncle, though he was an idiot sometimes, loved Pan very much. He jumped from his seat, snuggled with his beloved Bra. “What did you do to her!?” Goten burst in outrage. As you know, every sayian was a hothead, even a demi-sayian, and Goten was fixing to rearrange Trunks’ face. All of a sudden, Trunks turned and walked into his room. Goten stormed up the steps behind Trunks. Trunks had a lot of explaining to do, starting on why his niece ran crying from the house. Bra closed the door, sighing, she knew it was going to be a long night. Pan sat on the roof of her house. Her knees were pulled to her chest and she was sobbing uncontrollably into her cupped hands. ‘Why doesn’t he love me …why…?’ Pan thought to herself. Her mother had seen her trough the living window. Gohan, Pan’s father, her over protective father, was about to go out and see what was the matter with his precious little girl, but Videl decided against it. She could tell this was a girl thing, and daddy wouldn’t make anything better. Videl flew onto the roof and sat next to Pan, sighing. Pan looked up and over at her mother. How could she tell her that the man she had cared for, the man she had loved, didn’t love her back? What was she to say? Pan clasped her head into her mother’s lap and cried as Videl rubbed Pan’s soft black hair. ******************************************************************************************** “Oh Pan-Cakes. We can’t wait to she you girl!” Marron exclaimed over the phone. It had been 6 months since the little, well big, incident, and Pan was looking forward on going home for the summer. It was June 2nd and she had left for college on December 18th. She hadn’t seen the Z fighters, for, well, along time, and she missed everyone like crazy. She had definitely missed her Trunks-kun. She had missed him so, but she was still very sad and mad from his rejection. “Son Pan…are you still alive…?” Marron pondered. “Huh…oh, yea Marron, I’m still here!” Pan was snapped back to reality. “Ok…Oh! Guess what Panners!” Marron stated excitedly. “Trunks ish so hung up over you coming…I think he loves you Pan!” If Marron were with Pan right then, she would be able to tell Pan was surprised about Marron’s last words. She gasped and could hear Bra in the back giggling wildly. What? Did her ears deceive her? He missed Her? “What did you just say…?” Pan asked wanting to know more. Just then Bra got onto the phone. “Yes Pan…” Bra almost yelled into the phone, “ ever since that night you told him you loved him, he’s done a lot of thinking.” Bra went on to explain. “You see, after you left the house, Goten went up to talk to Trunks.” Bra took a deep breathe before going on. “Goten told me that Trunks went into his room and was crying. I know if you knew he’d kill Goten for telling and me for telling you.” Pan couldn’t believe her ears. Trunks had cried, over her. ‘I guess he finally realized that I was going to be gone for awhile…hmmm’ Pan thought. “Pan, Did you know that Trunks has a lot of pictures of you in a photo album? After he realized he had the power of making you cry, He knew that you truly loved him, and he could return the love. “Return…?” Pan questioned confused. “Yes,” Bra blurted out as soon as Pan asked the question. There was silence between the two girls, but Bra soon broke it. “Pan! Don’t give up on Trunks, not yet. Not when he realizes that you are the one for him…”Bra’s voice trailed off and hit Pan like a rock on water. ‘He loves me, He finally loves me…’ Pan sighed hopelessly into the phone. Bra looked in the phone and burst out laughing, bringing Pan back to life. “Well Panners,” Bra sighed happily, “I’ll see you tomorrow night!” “Bye Pan-Cakes!!” Marron rang. Despite her lack of words, she could at least get the word “Bye” out. Pan climb into bed, still thinking of Trunks. It was going to be a long night, and Pan knew it. ‘Tomorrow…’ Pan sighed. And with that, she drifted off to sleep. **************************************************************************************************** Trunks sat on his bed on his bed the next morning, thinking of ways to apologize to his beloved Pan. He didn’t really mean what he said that night. ‘I think I was jus afraid…’ Trunks thought to himself. But what was he afraid of? Loosing her? No, she loved him, and wanted to be his mate. Everyone thought it was commitment, and it was, but Trunks didn’t want to admit it to himself. “Well,” Trunks said standing up, ”I love her, and that’s all I know.” Bra and Marron had decided to be the ones to pick up Pan from the airport. So they were already gone. All he had to do was wait. But waiting took to long, and he wanted his Pan now. ******************************************************************************************** It was 8:00 p.m. and Marron and Bra had been waiting for Pan’s plain for 3 hours. Why they left so early, I’ll never know, but they did. Pan stepped off the plane and walked into the main lobby of the Airport. Bra looked up from the magazine she was reading and shot out of her seat. Unfortunately for Marron, she was sleeping on Bra’s lap, and suddenly ended up on the floor. Pan laughed at the scene that Bra and Marron made, as they scrambled up and ran over to her. The 3 girls meshed into a half sobbing, half laughing hug. “Oh my god Pan,” Bra stated looking Pan up and down, “You look so good!” Pan’s right left eyebrow rose and she looked down at herself. “Uh uh, I look horrible, especially after that long plane ride over here.” “Oh Whaddeva…” Marron rolled her eyes annoyed. After they retrieved Pan’s cloths and belongings, they headed towards the parking lot. Pan couldn’t wait to see Trunks. **************************************************************************************************** Trunks walked out the gravity room with a towel wrapped around his neck. He hadn’t noticed Bra and Marron had come back with Pan, until he walked into the kitchen. Trunks stopped dead in his tracks, fixated on the long black haired beauty. ‘Who’s she…’ Trunks asked himself. Suddenly she broke that as everyone at the table noticed how Trunks was looking at her. “Trunks!!” Pan almost jumped out of her seat as she stared at his sweaty body. Mmm…Damn, he’s always been so fuckin sexy…” Pan sighed. “Pan…?” Trunks said in disbelief. Damn how’d she grown from a bratty teen, into a Mature, and sexy Women, at that. Pan smiled as she pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear and nodded. Bra giggled at her big brother. “Hey…” Pan smiled up at him again. Trunks was beginning to think that a whole summer with Pan was going to be hell. He didn’t think she was going to come back looking this well, beautiful. Well he did, but this was messing with his mind…if you know what I mean. ~Well, what do you think? Please don’t be harsh, this is my first story I’ve ever posted on the net, so tell me what you think, without hurting my feelings…plz! E-mail at ~

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