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Outwar Tips & Tricks


My name is Neil, and Welcome to my site!  I hope it helps you with your game!  Enjoy!


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Site News


June 09, 2003

YES! over 1,000 hits!  Here's to another 1,000 to come!  Organized Chaos is still accepting applicants who are decent in strength, do drop me a line!  For more information, visit the "Crew Recruitment" Section.  Plus, summer's coming for all you people in school!  Don't expect too many site updates during the summer;  I'm working full time 3-11.  What, u thought i didn't have a life?  Also, if u got a second, sign the ol' guestbook, and join the many others who already have!


June 03, 2003

Big changes people.  The []D[][]\/[][]Dz have joined with Organized Chaos.  So things will look a little different around here from now on.


June 01,2003

Da []D[][]\/[][]Dz have a new logo!  check it out at the top of the page!  Also I added a cool new page, called "What is Outwar?" ONE more thing; the bastards at Outwar stole my mailbox picture! check out the sign and view guestbook pictures at the bottom, then check the message center pictures for inbox and sent messages.  RIP OFF!  Anyways, hope everyone got a good start in Round 8! Good luck.


May 31,2003

Well everybody, a new month, and a new round has begun on  I'm also happy to find out that the Satellite Systems (Crew Forums) finally work!  Also, Recruitment requests are rising, so send your E-Mails as soon as you can to join Da []D[][]\/[][]Dz in the "Crew Recruitment" Section. 


May 25, 2003

I'm just curious about the Satellite system.  I bought that piece of shit, and it doesn't even work.  OK so I can type in a message, hit "Post Message"  then when i do, it says ur message has been posted.  But where the hell does it go?  PLEASE people, I'm dying to know.  Is it some kind of glitch, or problem?  E-Mail me, or sign my guestbook at the bottom, and shed some light! (


May 24, 2003

Hey everyone, it's been a while.  The hits seem to have slowed down.  I think it's because that the forums on are really messed up rite now.  So until it gets fixed, I'm gonna be at a standstill with this site.  BIG special thanks goes out to Torax, who donated 100 points to me!  Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it.  If you really like the site, point donations are ALWAYS welcomed!  Also, tell all your Outwar buddies about this website.  They may like it.  Thanks!







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