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Game site of the week: Utopia

Tech here. Im gonna be bringing you the reviews
off the site. I should have the top 5 done about
the same day as the site actually takes off.
Guarentee you that the reviews are definatly going
to please.

Sidenote: We are looking for one or two staff members
who feel they could contribute to the site
with reviews and chat monitoring.
Please go to email us and apply from the
E-mail given.

The top 5 games and their reviews:

1. Utopia
2. Age of the Throne
3. Earth 2025
4. Kings of Chaos
5. Defend Your Castle

Question of the Week:

What do we have to do to be hired?


Online Mayhem is to be launched officially
on June 28, 2003!! Staff include Tech, Flake,
and the Prez. Goal of President
made public!!

-Reporting By Tech

more info here