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So…. If you havn’t already heard, my dad spoiled me rotten for graduation. I think he was so startled and excited and emotional that I actually graduated, he gave me what I had been requesting for about three months……. A STRETCH ESCALADE!!!! I told him the only way to go to the boring ceremony was in style. So we did just that. I was under the impression he was only renting a regular Escalade with a driver for the night, and when the stretch showed up, I have to say I cried a little bit. Yes, I did. Its true. After Graduation, it picked me and twelve of my friends up, and we cruised the west side of oahu until midnight, all while polishing off a good 8 bottles of champagne, a bottle of JD, and a case of beer. It was a full moon and the sky was so clear and beautiful, so we stopped at Sandies, Trashmaster cove (From Here to Eternity beach), and cruised the Waikiki strip. It was AWESOME. Words cant describe the fun we had…….




Here I am in my stretch Escalade, being very Absolutely Fabulous. Very rock star. Very hot. Very now. Very 60’s/80’s revival - punk-rock-glam-Cadillac-chic.


This is my brother, Anthony, and Selena, Queen of Bermuda. I think they should get married.



Selena and I are practicing for when we are billionaires and ride around like this everyday, to and from the spa/yoga/wine tasting/ Pipeline $1 drink Tuesday/fabulous lunch dates/ KMCBH/ Tropics/ hair appointments…. You get the point. And just pretend that is champagne in our hands. We were on our way to Safeway to pick some up in our totally sweet ride.


Here I am, gazing upon all the people who don’t have Escalades and who don’t look this fabulous.



I mentioned it was a stretch, right?


There’s young Nay and Selena, Queen of Bermuda. (**WHISPER**Naomi is my favorite….)


Ok there WERE other people there, its just that cameras and intoxicated people don’t always make for the best pictures…. But this one turned out! There’s me, Trashy Vic McTrashster, Scotty in the back, and Anthony double-fisting it.

Yes, there was more to the evening than partying in the Escalade. I actually went to the ceremony and accepted my empty diploma folder. I’m telling you, it was so exciting. I was so glad to be there instead of in my Escalade. Anyway, there I am again with some fabulous shoes.


Stay tuned for more pics- im still in the process of scanning the rest…… feel free to email me- or
