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The Roaring Twenties

North High School

The Roaring Twenties

Did you know?
New Orleans is the birth place of jazz music
Women became more independant during the 1920's
Clubs allowing both races were called the black and tans
Jazz legend, Louis Armstrong's idol was Joe Oliver

This site focuses on the prosperity of the Roaring Twenties. The twenties were a time of change and economic growth. Women became more independant, and African Americans gained more freedoms. Chicago was the place to be and excitement flourished there from noon to noon. The page was created by North High School students and below are seven links that will take you to other pages about the twenties. These pages will allow you to become more familiar with this era. Please feel free to sign the guestbook.

Flapper Louis Armstrong Jazz Automobile

Flappers in the 1920's:The flapper, whose antics were immortalized in the cartoons of John Held Jr., was the heroine of the Jazz Age. With short hair and a short skirt, with turned-down hose and powdered knees - the flapper must have seemed to her mother like a rebel. No longer confined to home and tradition, the typical flapper was a young woman who was often thought of as a little fast and maybe even a little brazen.

Louis Armstrong:Louis Armstrong is one of the most well known Jazz artists of his time. He was known as the father of jazz. Louis was born in a section of New Orleans known as "the battlefield". His idol was Joe Oliver, and Louis got to play in numerous clubs with Oliver once he reached Chicago.

The birth of Jazz:Jazz, nothing quite like it had ever happened before in America. African Americans began the jazz era and good jazz musicians were treated like gods. By the mid-1920s, jazz was being played in dance halls and roadhouses and speakeasies all over the country. It changed people's lives forever.

New Automobiles:The 1920's were a turbulent decade for automakers. Hundreds of new makes and models burst onto the market scene. The economy was in the midst of a post-war boom. At the time, many automakers couldn't ask for more. The 20's automobile era began with the return of eager World War I soldiers. Car sales soon went through the roof, as the public came to realize the benefits of an automobile. Auto touring (vacationing) became extremely popular, with campsites and filling stations springing up around America.

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