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NHS Food Drive - Overview 1

The National Honor Society Food Drive aims to raise money in order to buy food packages for the poor during the time of Ramadan and Christmas.

In the past five years that the Food Drive has been held, we have seen a large improvement in the response from the members of the Damascus Community School. Three years ago, the NHS was able to collect 30,000 Syrian pounds (600 dollars). The following year we were able to raise 120,000 sp (2400 dollars), and this year we were able to exceed this amount by 60,000 Syrian pounds, giving us a grand total of 180,000 sp’s(3,600 dollars). We are hoping that this pattern will continue, and we will be able to help an increasing number of people. This money is spent in various ways. Our primary goal is to provide food for as many people as possible.

The NHS pushed hard in the High, Middle and Elementary school to make this drive successful. The NHS society was able to involve the whole community, the student body, parents, faculty, PTA, local business as well as local charities.



Each year we have strived to improve on the Food Drive, not just the total achieved but the quality of the experience. Last year we included distribution of monies and food to charities. This year we added distribution of food to needy families. After visiting some of the families the NHS decided to begin a clothes and shoe drive for the same families. This aspect of the Drive now continues between the NHS and a local hospital. We have been able to help a lot of people due to the communities kindness.