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The Karim Rida Saad Foundation

What is it?

The Karim Rida Said Foundation (KRSF) is a British organisation that does various activities. It awards scholarships to talented young Arabs, supports projects that deal with disabled children, promotes education amongst children all over the Middle East, and gives medical aid to children in Palestine. In Syria the KRSF is involved with numerous projects that aid disabled children (such as the Drop Of Milk Society), and they are developing 4 centres for disabled children (e.g. hearing disability, visual impairments). At these centres local people are also being trained so they will be able to educate others. The foundation maintains a list of charities we can support and do community service through.

What can you do?

At the moment the KRSF would like to have people help in the office. You will be reading newspapers and selecting articles that have to do with children's’ health, education and disability in Syria. You will need to be able to read Arabic well. You can get community service hours for this project, you will need to make a commitment to this project. (Most probably once a week)

When can you do it?

If you are interested please talk to one of the NHS members, Mr. Scullion, or Mrs. Mesmar. We will make arrangements with you to go with someone else.

For more information about the KRSF visit: