life sucks

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hi every1! my name is molly and this is my site. html is really confusing to me, but once i have it figured out, i hope to have a really fun site! i am doing this to occupy myself. i recently got kicked out of my home in bullard. and am now living with my grandparents in tyler. i want to try to get myself away from drugs and partying for a while and get my life together. i am in some deep shit right now. the latest bad news is... 1) i stole my dad's car while he was running errands adn got not one,... but 6 tickets. 3 of them i can't have dismissed unless i tell him that i took his car, which i am not planning on doing. so i guess i'm going to have to pay for those. 2) my car is still in disrepair, and things look bad. it's most likely a problem with the engine, and that is just not worth fixing on my old 94' nissan sentra. but i guess it could be a good thing. i could have a new ride soon. but until then. i'll be here. on the computer. so i might as well learn to love it, right? life sucks!

otherwise... if you have any suggestions or tips on creating my website, please, don't hesitate to email me. i'm new at this. i need help, in more ways than one. even if you just are bored, and want to talk... email me here
or here...