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The Anti-Anti Rant.
Rant contains high doses of Foul Language and Hypocrisy.
Best served with a gun to your head.

Okay, so I am getting really sick and fucking tired of hearing people
whine and cry all god damned day about this or that, or that or this.

Seriously, shut the fuck up. You are NOT some supreme breed of
this fucked up human race. You do NOT deserve a fucking throne
and crown. Your opinion does NOT fucking matter to no one.

All of you anti-sites out there, fuck you. because you know what?
I fucking hate you and I hope you die in some painful way that involves
needles poking your pupils and a dog eating your fucking face.

You are all fucking stupid shit faced losers who think their opinions
over-ride someone else's, because you are a fuck up who was raised
on a fucking pig farm with cousin billy, bob, and billy bob.

Your little rant is cute, but just because you don't like something
doesn't mean someone out there with completely different tastes
than you, and probably born in the city, unlike you.. doesn't.

Just because you can write something and post it on your l33t ha><0r
site, doesn't mean you should. in the end it only makes you look like
one of those stupid fucking anti-war protesters who have obviously
no FUCKING clue what they are talking about and just want to stand
on the streets BITCHING about something because they feel they
are some special fucking person.

I can't stress this enough, Stop Fucking Caring what people think.
Seriously, if someone says they don't like something you do, do us
all a favor, fucking shut up and don't comment on it. Your god damned
opinion means nothing to them, and theirs should mean nothing to you.


If you care enough to bitch at me, go right ahead, fucktard.

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