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My name is Mina Hanna Guindy, a Christian Coptic Orthodox born in Cairo,Egypt on Aug. 1, 1978 and a servant of God at St. Mary's Coptic Orthodox Church, El Mataria, Cairo.
The word "Copt" is derived from the Greek word Aigyptos, which was, in turn, derived from "Hikaptah", one of the names for Memphis, the first capital of Ancient Egypt. The modern use of the term "Coptic" describes Egyptian Christians, as well as the last stage of the ancient Egyptian language script. Also, it describes the distinctive art and architecture that developed as an early expression of the new faith. The Coptic Church is based on the teachings of Saint Mark who brought Christianity to Egypt during the reign of the Roman emperor Nero in the first century.More..
I was named after the great Egyptian saint "Mina", who was martyred for the name of the Lord Jesus during the regime of the Roman Emperor Diocletian.More..

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Site launched on Friday, May 30 2003, Last updated on Saturday, May 31 2003.