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  Just me =/     Posted By: Military)1(

The Co-Webmaster is no longer the Co-Webmaster, he his getting rid of his cable. I will leave his Anime DoJo affiliate on the website, but I will be taking him off the members list, he will still continue to give me hints and tips for making this website a better one.

  Webmaster!     Posted By: Military)1(

I have talked with my friend and he has agreed to becoming a co-webmaster with me. He will be making us a new layout and he's our afficial banner/image creator. His AKA is ToxicDeadman and can be found on the members section, be sure to check out his site!

  Member Profiles     Posted By: Military)1(

Hey, this is Military)1( I have added only my member profile, so far you can check it out by clicking on "Military" in the members list. You will see I've added gaming statistics. If you would like your gaming statistics on your profile send me an e-mail.

  Website Information     Posted By: Military)1(

I have completed the members sections. There are some members profiles still to be done.. but you can see all of our active members. If you would like to be added to the members section, please make a member profile in the forums. In the future I plan on doing the "About us section", getting a new banner, and a new affiliate icon.

  Website Information     Posted By: Military)1(

Hey, this is Military)1(. I have updated the site, I hope you like it. I plan on getting the rest of the site done in the near future. In the mean time, if you would like to join us or if you are a current members, please go the forums and make a member profiles, I will add you to the members list ASAP when I create it, Thank You.

  Downloads     Posted By: Military)1(

Hey, this is Military)1(. I would like to inform everyone who visits this site that all of the bots and hacks on this website is 100% clean! I am not the one to trojan and virus people. If you have any problems, with a hack or bot please e-mail me HeRe. You can also send me new hacks that I don't have on the website.


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Ciphers Obstacles

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