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I’ve been trying to type up a nice explanation of my ideal government concept, but I’m too lazy to actually finish the job, so I figure a thread in which you can all mock my ideas will get done faster.

MHallexitopia is not to be the name for this concept, but it seems to be tradition. Any better idea for a name will be welcomed.

And no, I have not, nor do I intend to, write an anthem.

This isn’t the entire plan, but its the more important portions, and enough to get an idea of the concept.

This 'topia is intended to be a meritocracy. It is also an attempt to address some of the flaws of capitalism, without resorting to socialism (which has all sorts of problems of its own.) Not all of the ideas are mine; I’ve borrowed freely from others, whose names I don’t remember.

Now if we want a meritocracy we need to eliminate any other bias and allow people to compete solely on their own merit. I like to call this "equality of opportunity."

How do we achieve such a state?

First off we need to eliminate inherited wealth. This eliminates the unfair advantage of the heirs and creates an upper class of noveau-rich, self-made wealthy people. This can be accomplished by extremely high inheritance taxes. When I say high, I mean that you would be able to inherit family heirlooms and other items of sentimental value, but little else.

Education is another way in which we can keep the playing field even. Education would no longer be public, that is free schooling from the gov't. Each individual could go to any school they wanted (either a private school, or a government run school.) Each student would pay a percentage of their future income to the government to cover the costs of their education. Students who perform better in school and wish for a more extensive education can choose too pledge more of their income in exchange for a higher quality of schooling. Those students whose strengths do not lie in academics can choose to get an education at a less-expensive school.
This system could be applied to all levels of education, from elementary schools to graduate schools, with different percentages of future earnings being taken for a trade school as opposed to an Ivy League college.

The market of this world would also be free, with one exception (which I'll get into later.) Unfair advantages, such as government subsides, protective tariffs and similar methods wouldn’t exist. Consumers could buy the highest quality, cheapest product without politicians attempting to interfere in the market.
However there is one exception to this free market. Advertising is banned. Advertising serves to create a false demand for a product. All products should stand on their own merits. Consumers will buy one brand of soda as opposed to another because of the merits of the soda, not because of an ad campaign.
The money saved by eliminating the expenses related to advertising could instead be spent improving the products, and thus gaining an advantage over the competition.

Now how to govern this society?
I believe in a very small government, which is very decentralized.
The role of the state is twofold:
1-To defend its citizens (from both foreign attacks and criminals)
2-to undertake projects that are too large, or too long-term for an individual to undertake (i.e. the space program)

The government would be democratic, but voting rights would need to be earned. It would be relatively simple to do so; one would only need to pass a standardized examination that proves they understand how the government works, their rights, perhaps some history etc.
It would not be a particularly complex exam; it would be something that anyone who had bothered to pay attention in his or her schooling would have learned.

Those who obtained full citizenship could then participate in the political process. On a local level the government would be a pure democracy, something along the lines of the Athenian assembly, where everyone could speak and contribute.

Once we get to the upper levels of government such an assembly becomes impractical because of the large number of voters. Here an assembly of elected representatives handles most of the governance, although national referendums would be required to pass certain laws (budgets, amendments to Constitution and other big-ticket items.)
The ban on advertising would also apply to political campaigns, so politicians would also have to rely on their merits to get elected. The only way for them to campaign would be speeches, and debates. Both put the candidate on the spot and force them to sell their ideas to the public, as opposed to running a series of attack ads.

Individual liberties would be almost limitless. Provided you aren’t doing harm to others (or have their consent to do things) then its well within your rights to do so. You want to sleep with another man, marry your cousin, smoke pot, and commit suicide? In MHallexitopia, we wont try and stop you.

Taxes would be low. Income would be taxed at a flat rate, and would only be taxed to provide monies for the military, police and judicial systems. A small fee (tiny percentage) would be charged to security exchanges in exchange for government protection of that contract. You pay the fee; you can sue the other guy for not honoring the deal (see Ayn Rand’s Virtue of Selfishness for a better explanation of that concept.) Inheritance taxes would be very high, but the deceased would have a choice to where that money goes. They could write what is, in effect, a will indicating where they want that money to be spent (i.e. on the military, on a space program, on disaster relief) if the deceased didn’t indicate a preference it would go into the general governmental budget.

Okay, that’s all I can think of writing down at the moment.

Your questions, ideas and criticisms are welcomed. I expect to see quite a bit of criticism, since you guys are contrary bastards like that.

There are some flaws in the idea, but I’m working on them. The paramount ones (at least in my mind) is how to deal with the influence of those who have obtained wealth trying to give their children an unfair advantage (getting them a cushy job and other such things.)