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Mike Axon's Personal Teletext Page

Hello, welcome to my homepage. It seems like the technology police have finally caught up with me!
So here are some facts and figures about me.

Name: Micheal Frank Axon
Birthplace: Plymouth
Occupation: Rurban Geographer/ Lecturer
Hobbies and Interests: Plymouth Argyle
Favorite band: The Beegees
Preferred mode of transport: Bicycle

I write a bi-monthly journal entitled "Sustainable Sustainability, For Tomorrow" we currently have over 20 subscribers and rising!
Latest issue tackles the subject of the Rural-Urban Dichotomy and pressures on the "rurban" fringe as part of the results due to urbanisation. I think you will find from reading and assimilating the information, that the two subjects run in parallel with each other.

My motto in life is "work hard, play hard, work again, repeat" I manage to maintain this equilibrium by creating a chart
covering the different days of each month and spitting each days into attainment modules.
Each of these modules have a "Target Independent Template" allocated so I can zone them into categories.


As mentioned before I prefer to commute to my workplace by way of a sustainable method - push bike!

When I retire my strategy is to move back to my hometown of Plymouth whilst continuing to write my autobiography,
entitled "There's an Axon In You" hopefully this will allow me to accumulate a literature based monetary fund which will
run as part of a supplement of my pension plan.

I hope you liked my space on the information super highway, I'll update it as and when I find a free segment in my
target independent template!


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