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We made this product more aesthetically pleasing because it is a smiley face, and because it is spherical. Its spherical shape is the main feature, as it is deviant from contemporary rectangular cereal boxes, which are universally bland. The product is also appealing because of its bright colours and cute interface, which will make this product stand out above the rest.

We made this product more functional with a flap that is easy to open, and can easily be inserted back into the rest of the cardboard with little or no difficulty. Also, the product's spherical shape prevents dents, as contemporary rectangular cereal boxes have vertices which easily rupture when dropped, and are sometimes sold at lower prices because of the cardboard's poor condition. With Smiley Cereal, this is not the case, as the box lacks vertices, and, if dropped from a reasonable distance, will suffer less casualties than another cereal box.

This product is appealing to its target market [children] because of its high sugar content, to which children are always very attracted. Because the product is different, children will become drawn to the box because of their curiosity, and will request that their parents buy it. Also, after the box is empty, the cardboard sphere can be played with, and, as it is a sphere, will be much more fun than a traditional rectangular box.