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Giovann E. Nicolet
Puerto Vallarta
Here is a picture of Puerto Vallarta. Only 49 days left.

Daily Entries

6/10/03 7:45pm.
Hey babe! I started this page today because your out of town and I want you to know how much I miss you. Here are your instructions for viewing this site.
1.)Please check this page periodically. When I say periodically, I mean atleast three times a week. You can check it at home after work.
2.)After each time you visit my site, I want you to click on the e-mail icon at the bottom of this page. The icon will take you to my e-mail, once you get there, you need to type "WEB PAGE" for the title of the e-mail. You dont have to write anything back. If you decide to write back, you can reply to the entry I wrote you for that day.
It is important that you e-mail me, notifying that you have seen the page on that day, so that I know when to update it, so that the next time you visit the page, it will be different with a new entry.
I really hope this works out! We'll try it out for a while and see how it goes. I just thought it might be a little fun and maybe bring us closer. Plus, I'm getting my computer at work soon, and whenever I get board I can write a little entry. I love you and I miss you. Bye!
* Dont forget to e-mail me the title "web page" so that I know you have seen this!

Hey! You just got home today and you bought me a beautiful dsplay of roses. That was so sweet of you. Thank you very much for that! I really missed you while you were gone and I'm glad you are back now. I cant wait for this weekend, when we go to Tahoe. We are going to have so much fun! Grace might come along with us. It will be cool. Well I really hope this will work out and I hope you fallow your instructions and e-mail me each time you visit this sight. I gotta go now. Love you! bye!

These kind of look like the roses you bought me!

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