Romantic young man in search of soulmate.

Life without love is like a cloudy sky at night... It's ok, but something is missing.. Where's the moon ?! Where are the stars ?! Living a life without love is like having a delicious pie but not being allowed to eat it, or at least taste it. It's like having the fastest super sonic plane, but not having fuel to fly it. It is so sad to be lonesome when there are so many beautiful and interesting people out there, who are lonely too. With the Internet and some scripting knowledge, with time and energy invested into this project, it is possible to find love, real love on the Internet. [Read more]


Photo: Quick facts about me:
an older picture, but I haven't changed that much Age: 22;
Height: 5'9"-5'10" (1.75m-1.77m);
Hair / Eyes: Brown Hair with Blue Eyes;
Body type: Thin / Slender, yet Muscular / Athletic;
Nationality: Romanian;
Living in: Houston, TX. (near);
Interests: Self Improvement, Reading, Movies, Outdoors, Sports, Martial Arts, Music, Science Fiction, Arts, Computers, [and More]
Biggest regrets: Not being able to sing, or at least Paint; I  wanted to become a famous football (aka soccer in US) player, but I didn't have it my genes either;
What I despise most: Insensitive People; People that break their promises, that say/promise something and do something else.
Read here more details on my interests. 
Read here more details on what kind of lady I am looking for.
My professional side, my resume.

Main News:
Nothing good, lately, except a thing or two. Everything else just as the usual... People lie to me, I believe them, I put my life into their hands and they screw me... Been without Internet access for a while. (mid Feb 2003).
[ Read More ]

Love letters revealed here. By reading this, you can find out which are my opinions on subjects like life, love and relationships. I have posted here excerpts from the emails that I received a while back, from ladies . I discuss here some very controversial issues, like "Marrying young, or not", "Age difference and relationships", "Younger guy looking for older women", "Why marriage is not a prison" and more. You will see that the word "marriage" scares away not only guys, but women too. I may even include some of the love letters I used to send away, in my search of someone to love and be loved by.

 Long Term Goals                                                                
    Reaching Nirvana; Becoming a Wiser and a more powerful Spirit.  
    Not to forget the lessons I learned through much Pain, many Tears and a lot of Spiritual Hunger; and apply these lessons in real life, maybe even tell others about them.

  Midterm and Short Term Goals       

    Start my own business. Help my friends, relatives and people from Romania, by providing them the opportunity to create wealth and live a better life.
    Marrying a beautiful, intelligent, kind, sensitive and loyal lady to share the rest of my life with. Where is my soulmate, I keep wondering ?
    Getting a masters degree in USA, Romania or somewhere else, or at least improve my knowledge in foreign languages, business and culture by studying on my own.
    Going to Tokyo to learn Ninjutsu and Mikkyo from the best. Maybe even live there for longer period of time to learn more and get better.
    Learning how to fly an airplane and actually fly one from time to time. Gliding, Paragliding, Flying.

  Like / Love  

  Dislike / Hate
Science Fiction movies and books
Computers, Electronics and Technology
Fast Cars, Super Bikes
Freedom at all costs
Dogs, cats and other animals
People that are God fearing (loving), yet those that aren't fooling themselves by thinking that they are worthier than the ones having another religion, or even no religion at all. To be kind to another is to be kind to yourself. So be kind to one another.
Star Trek (TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise), X-Files, Pretender, Matrix, Baywatch, PSI Factor, Stargate SG1, The Outer Limits, Knight Rider, [etc...]
Smoking behavior
Alcoholism and Alcoholics
55 MPH speed limit on Highways
Having Freedoms taken away
Dog and Animal Killers, Mean and Heartless people
So called religious people that think they are above others because their religion. Sacrifice yourself for others and you will become a saint. Otherwise stop talking about how much you love Jesus or Lord.
Telenovellas, Soap Opera like  "Young and the Restless", most of the new Country music.

I told you above about some things I dislike, or even hate. Hate is a dangerous feeling though. We live in a world where we have free will, where some of us have more power and opportunities than others, but no matter who we are, when we start HATING and ABUSING each other,  no matter what the reasons would be, sooner or later we will decay ourselves. What you give is what you get. This is an universal rule, it's real and it happens. Unfortunately, too slowly in many cases, but we will all get what we deserve one day... Romanians have a proverb that says (word by word translation) "The Lord is not beating one with the bat, but with the Year", meaning that God is not hitting you right now if you do sin (mistake), but He will remember and you will get back your share later... I've seen very powerful people become wrecks in less than 10 years, so we all do get our share, no matter how powerful we may be today... I wish that this karma law would work sooner, rather than later. That way, when one does something wrong, he will get it now, rather than later when he won't even remember why is the ordeal happening to him.

The path of the Ninja is the path of enduring, surviving, and prevailing over all that would destroy one. More than merely delivering strikes and slashes, and deeper in significance than the simple out-witting of an enemy, Ninjutsu is the way of attaining that which we need, while making this world a better place. Ninja art deals with the protection of not only the physical body, but the mind and spirit as well."- Takamatsu Sensei.

Life is a fight and the quote above, although may have lost some of its impact and power within translation, tells us that a ninja's way is enduring and surviving all that could destroy him. My life has also been a fight, a never ending fight of improving myself, of failures, but also with at least a few great victories. It's not gonna stop here. There are many things left that need to be done, much knowledge and wisdom to be apprehended, much power and kindness to be obtained; and there is not much time left, too many limitations that keep me and all of us away from the final goal, Enlightenment, Nirvana, or whatever you wanna name it.

"To be kind to another is to be kind to yourself. So be kind to yourself." -- All the Smart People.

"We are not human beings on a spiritual journey, we are spiritual beings having a human experience." -- Unknown

"It is regrettable that there is a tendency of humanity to focus attention upon a messenger rather than upon the message.

I started writing something that one day may be a book, if I can keep writing and it's good. You can read those lines [here], if you're curious. I believe this is my best writing ever. It's cheesy, but it represents me and my frustrations. I am looking forward to get your critique.

 About my Love Life
My love life really sucks. I haven't been able to find someone who would stick to me. No fairy tale girl, no princess, not even someone "normal". [Read more here]. I mean, yes, I want someone attractive, someone beautiful and sexy, because I realize that I get dumped anyway, no matter if I am after a very attractive girl, or just a plain one, the result is the same for me: Loneliness. So, this time, I will be more picky. I'd rather be alone for the rest of my life, than commit again to someone that later one will literally throw me to the garbage. I don't make empty promises, I don't throw people to the garbage and I expect to get the same back. Yes, physical beauty goes away in 20 years, more or less, but since I am pretty attractive myself, I do need someone of my caliber this time. I do know that outer looks aren't more important than one's soul or heart, but I do need someone beautiful to gaze at, because her pretty eyes and face, or because her sexy body, and for more. It's so easy to hurt someone, so difficult to bring light, wisdom, peace, love and kindness into one's life and soul. Sufferance is a must for our evolution. Through pain is how we pay for our lack of wisdom, for the bad choices we make and especially for all the great opportunities we disregard every day. We must pay for our past lives' bad deeds, or maybe we need to suffer in order to somehow purify ourselves and become wiser and kinder. I am a dreamer and a fighter, it is what keeps me alive and what brought me to this level. I am looking for a female companion, attractive and spiritual, open minded and tolerant, not fat and into sports, honest and kind hearted to bring joy, excitement and maybe even love into my life. In return I will do my best to bring joy, excitement and maybe even love in hers. Would you join me in my quest ? So yes, I am still looking for my soulmate, someone that believes in commitment and marriage, a lady that knows how to love with all her heart, with passion, yet someone that can and will love the same person in 20 or 40 years from now, one who will be a wife that sticks to her husband and not leave on him. This is my philosophy and this is my search of love, true love.... a life term love with lifeterm lover. I may be a fool, but I am still trying, I am not giving up yet, because I know it can be done.
If you want to see more pictures of mine, you can do this here. The newer pictures are pretty blurry, but very new and you can still see the face and body features.

Last updated, April 2003.

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